The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1214 The purpose is to deal with him

"Mr. Yu, I'm transferred to surveillance!" Ten minutes later, He Chen came back with his mobile phone, and there was the surveillance video he just took on it.

Half an hour before he went to find He Yitong, He Yitong entered the lounge.

Not long after she went in, Yi Yuzhang arrived, stayed there for about 10 minutes, then came out and left.

He Yitong didn't come out during this period, and Yi Yuzhang also left alone.

However, about 5 minutes after Yi Yuzhang left, a cleaning lady pushed a trolley to the lounge to clean up, and left with a trolley 5 minutes later.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly thought of something: "Can the surveillance outside the gate be adjusted?"

"Yes!" He Chen hurriedly ran to find the staff, and came back after a while.

It's just that the surveillance camera at the gate faces the parking lot next to it, and the place where Yi Yuzhang parks is on the other side, just outside the surveillance camera.

Barely able to get a picture of him driving in and driving away.

"Ba Ba Ba Ba, did that villain drop the Ma Ma Shark?" Yu Yuanyuan cried and tugged at the hem of Yu Jinxiao's clothes, and wrinkled her face sadly when she thought of her dream.

Shark off?

What's happening here?
He Chen was frightened into a cold sweat, his mouth grew gradually, and he wanted to ask something, but he couldn't say a word.

Yu Jinxiao picked up Yu Yuanyuan and patted her on the head: "Mom is fine, don't scare yourself."

"But, where did mother go?"

"Isn't this what you're looking for?"

Even though the anxiety in his heart made Yu Jinxiao's heart feel like a mountain, but now he not only wanted to comfort Yu Yuanyuan, but also comforted He Chen who was also flustered.

Looking at his appearance, he seemed to have made up his mind, and he frightened himself.

Yu Jinxiao hugged Yu Yuanyuan and walked out. They went to the place where Yi Yuzhang had parked before.

Although He Chen was afraid, he kept following Yu Jinxiao out of instinct.

After checking the wheels of Yi Yuzhang's car when he came and left, Yu Jinxiao came to a conclusion: "It should be Yi Yuzhang who took him away."

He Chen was stunned: "Mr. Yu, how do you know?"

"It has been raining for a long time today, and the wheel marks are very obvious. The wheel marks when Yi Yuzhang came and the wheel marks when he left were different in depth. When he left, the wheel marks were much deeper."

"Mr. Yu, what do you mean...that Yi Yuzhang kidnapped Sister Tong?? did he do it?"

"The cleaning lady should be Yi Yuzhang's accomplice. She put Yitong in the cart, then pushed him outside, and let Yi Yuzhang put it in his cart."

This series of operations, which seemed to be filming a big reasoning drama, made He Chen's head buzzing. What happened to him!
"Call the police...Call the police immediately..." He Chen stammered and took out his mobile phone, before Yu Jinxiao raised his hand to stop him from pressing three numbers.

"I will deal with this matter. There is no direct evidence, and it is useless to call the police now."

In fact, it's not that calling the police is useless, but that Yu Jinxiao is almost sure that Yi Yuzhang is the mysterious person.

He spent so much time laying out one trap after another, one plan after another, all aimed at dealing with him.

He Yitong's disappearance was probably also due to a plan that hadn't started yet.

Before this plan was implemented, He Yitong was safe.

If you call the police now, it may stimulate a desperado who has come to a dead end, and it may not be conducive to saving He Yitong later.

"You go back to the set first, and if you receive any news, call me." Yu Jinxiao patted He Chen on the shoulder, helping the pale young man regain his senses.

There was a kidnapping incident in the crew? ?What exactly happened here? ?

He Chen staggered back to the set, and suddenly heard the director's voice: "Where's Sister Tong, why didn't you see Sister Tong? It's time to celebrate!"

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