The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1215 Hiding Your Identity

Chapter 1215 Hiding Your Identity
Hearing that the director was looking for He Yitong, He Chen's heart sank, he was in a hurry and didn't know what to do.

Just now Yu Jinxiao said not to call the police for the time being, he will handle this matter himself, if these people find that He Yitong is missing, they will definitely call the police!
"Sister Tong is not feeling well for the time being," the assistant director said suddenly, "Her assistant sent her back to rest. I heard that she is quite sick, and she seems to be very dizzy."

"Oh, that's such a pity."

He Chen listened to the assistant director's words in disbelief, and grabbed her: "Sister Tong made the phone call herself?"

"Yes, it's Sister Tong's voice."

Call in person? ?
You have to tell Yu Jinxiao about this!

He Chen didn't even have time to change his clothes, he hid in an empty corner with his mobile phone, and dialed Yu Jinxiao's number.

"Hello?" The other side answered quickly.

"Mr. Yu, just now the assistant director said that Sister Tong called her to ask for leave, and said that the assistant sent her home, and she was not feeling well."

"okay, I get it."

Yu Jinxiao was like a robot getting information throughout the whole process. When He Chen finished speaking, he immediately hung up the call and dialed He Yitong's number instead.

But there were beeps and beeps coming from the handset, and no one answered for a long time.

Finally, because no one answered for a long time, the phone hung up automatically.

Before going to the film crew, Yu Jinxiao called He Yitong's cell phone, but at first there was no answer, and then it turned off.

Now it suddenly turned on and no one answered. Could it be that she was coerced into making that phone call just now?
Sitting in the child seat in the back row, Qiuqiu looked worried, his facial features crowded together anxiously, and his paws yanked around on the hem of his clothes, trying to use these small movements to relieve his anxiety.

"Baba, haven't you found Mama yet?"

"Not yet, but she should be safe," Yu Jinxiao glanced at the rearview mirror, and wanted to stop explaining, but seeing that worried little face, he continued, "She called someone else just now."

"Really! That's great!" Yu Zaizai wanted to grab the seat forward, but was suddenly pulled back by the seat belt.

The small body moved restlessly in the child seat, like a wriggling bug.

"Is that fish octopus really bad silver?"

"Yes, he is a bad guy, a very bad, very bad guy." In order to facilitate Xiao Zai Zai's understanding, Yu Jinxiao did not use complicated vocabulary.

To communicate with Xiao Tangyuan, the simpler the words, the better, just need to emphasize the tone and focus.


Gao Zhou's phone call came in suddenly.

As soon as Yu Jinxiao connected, an excited voice came from the other end: "Mr. Yu, I found it! Yi Yuzhang is sure that it is Zhang Yi... Oh no, Yi Yuzhang is sure that it is Wang Ningqi. He first used Zhang Yi all these years. identity, and forged the identity of 'Yi Yuzhang'!"

Wang Ningqi?
Sure enough, it was the same as Yu Jinxiao's guess.

There are not so many continuous coincidences in life. When too many coincidences come together, there must be countless invisible ties.

"Wang Ningqi rushed to the airport first, but because he was in a trance, he forgot to take all his documents in the dormitory," Gao Zhou told the truth on the phone, "His roommate and classmate Zhang Yi put on all the documents and gave them to him. Send it to the airport, but there was an accident on the way."

"The car accident was so serious that Zhang Yi's face was already unrecognizable. The only thing that could prove his identity...was Wang Ningqi's pile of documents."

Maybe it was from that car accident that Wang Ningqi... oh no, she should be called Yi Yuzhang now and made up her mind to hide her identity in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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