The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1222 Did you tell others about our chapter?

Chapter 1222 Did you tell others about our call?
The little cub, who had slept comfortably in his father's arms, stretched his waist.

Before she opened her eyes, she moaned and wanted to turn over...successfully rolled off Yu Jinxiao's body.

Fortunately, Yu Jinxiao had been paying attention to the little dumpling as soon as she woke up. The moment she flipped out, he quickly caught the little dumpling.

"Scared... scared Yuanyuan!" Yu Yuanyuan stammered with wide-eyed eyes.

It seems that this little glutinous rice ball slept quite comfortably last night, but he didn't close his eyes all night.

After breakfast in the morning, Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze were going to attend summer vacation classes, one was Mathematical Olympiad class, the other was forced to attend calligraphy class and football class in the afternoon.

Only Yu Jinxiao and Yu Yuanyuan were left in the family.

The fewer people there are, the better, especially Yu Mingxi is so smart, Yu Jinxiao doesn't want him to know about He Yitong.

Many people know that Yu Mingxi is not in good health, but they are just anxious.

Xiao Douding, who usually plays alone at home, after breakfast, first went back to the room to rustle, and then suddenly came out of the room dragging a large box of things.

Hey hey, when he was so easy to drag to the door of the study, Aunt Chen just passed by and saw the big box at a glance.

"Miss Yuanyuan, where are you taking your things?"

"Yuanyuan is going to Baba's study~~~~" Yu Yuanyuan still remembered her mission - to wait for Yuyu Zhangsusu to call and send it to her!
But it's boring for her to sit there and wait. It would be great if there were some toys, hehehe~
"Miss Yuanyuan, Mr. Yu seems to be very busy recently, you'd better not disturb him." Aunt Chen stepped forward, gently blocking the full box.

Since last night, Mr. Yu and Gao Zhou have been in the study room. Although they don't know what they are busy with, but Aunt Chen has taken care of him for so many years, and it is clear at a glance that there must be something big.

If Miss Yuanyuan were allowed to go in at this time, I'm afraid even Miss Yuanyuan would be reprimanded.


The door of the study room was opened, and Yu Jinxiao's face was in the crack of the not too wide door.

"Let her in."


With Yu Jinxiao's permission, Yu Yuanyuan dragged the toy faster, like a little hamster carrying food, swishing the toy into the study.

Aunt Chen was dumbfounded at the door.

"Really... all right?"

Isn't Mr. Yu busy with business in the study?If you let Miss Yuanyuan in, will you really not bother me?
"No problem, I need her help with some things." After finishing speaking, the door of the study room was closed again, and Aunt Chen, with a messy expression on her face, was in a daze.

"Baba, did Yuyu Zhangsusu call and did you come?" As soon as he entered the room, Yu Yuanyuan immediately got down to business.

This little Douding looked silly, but he knew exactly what he was going to do.

"not yet."

"Will he stop calling?"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

He wasn't a roundworm in Yi Yuzhang's stomach, so why did he answer the ground.

However, according to Yi Yuzhang's current situation, he will definitely not give up on this plan.

Waiting and waiting, at 10:30 in the morning, the phone watch on the table finally rang.

The caller ID above was indeed "Leopard Cat Ma".

"Remember, don't say that other people know about your phone call." Yu Jinxiao was afraid that Yu Yuanyuan would be stereotyped, so he took a "vaccination" in advance.

Yu Zaizai's face was serious, and he nodded solemnly: "Yuanyuan said!"

The call is connected.

"Yu Yuanyuan, do you want to see your mother?" It was Yi Yuzhang's voice that came out of the phone.

Before Yu Yuanyuan could answer, the other person suddenly added suspiciously: "Did you tell others about our phone call?"

(End of this chapter)

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