The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1223 It's a little bit of face for Xiaotangyuan

Chapter 1223 It's a little bit of face for Xiaotangyuan
The sudden question made Yu Zaizai's eyes widen.

Fortunately, this is a phone call, not a video connection, otherwise her little expression would be seen right away.

Yu Jinxiao immediately heard that it was a temptation, shook his head, and winked at the little glutinous rice balls.

Xiao Zai Zai, who usually has no tacit understanding, reacted surprisingly quickly at this time. He leaned in front of the phone and watch and said, "You...don't talk nonsense!"

Yi Yuzhang: "..."

"Yuanyuan didn't tell others, don't try to trick Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan is not an idiot! Humph!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Zaizai put his hands on his hips, and exhaled a strong breath from his nose confidently.

If you want to talk to her about Yu Zaizai, it's too naive. She Yu Zaizai is a nasty brat, and she... also has acting skills!
"I'm just trying to test you." Yi Yuzhang on the phone immediately changed his tone, "You should go quietly outside the villa immediately, and I will take you to see your mother."


"Really, but if you come out too late, you won't have time to see Mom, hurry up."

With a click, the phone hung up.

Gao Zhou, who had been listening with headphones on, jumped up excitedly: "Mr. Yu, we found it! It's located in the west of the city, and there are basically abandoned factories there. I'll send someone to check the situation right away."

Yu Jinxiao nodded and signaled Gao Zhou to do it.

After finishing the phone call, Gao Zhou remembered Yi Yuzhang's request just now.

"Miss Yuanyuan's words..."

"It's enough to investigate the location of the signal. Do you want this little glutinous rice ball to take risks?" In Yu Jinxiao's heart, he never thought of letting Yu Yuanyuan really go out.

She is so small that she can be dragged away by someone, which is too dangerous.

No matter what, this little glutinous rice ball can't be let out of the villa area casually.

A huge conspiracy has been laid out on the surface, and they clearly want to trick this little boy, even Yu Yuanyuan, who doesn't look very smart, can feel it.


She wants to save Ma Ma!

"Baba, Yuanyuan wants to save Mama, Yuanyuan should go out!"

Yu Yuanyuan's firm voice sounded in the room.

She was wearing a bright red down jacket, her arms were bent, like a cute little lantern.

"No, it's too dangerous, you're such a small lump, someone can grab you into the car if you mention it!" Yu Jinxiao refused without thinking.

In the past no matter what Baba said, Yu Yuanyuan would obediently obey, but this time...she really wanted to save Mama!

No matter what Yuyu Zhangsusu said was true or not, she wanted to try it!

"Mr. Yu, I have an idea..." Gao Zhou moved over cautiously, and instantly got a slap from Yu Jinxiao.

After the two adults chatted with a kid, Yu Jinxiao's expression loosened.

"This way..." Yu Jinxiao wasn't sure, he always disapproved of letting this little glutinous rice ball take a little risk.

In fact, the same is true for Gao Zhou, he would never be willing to let Miss Yuanyuan take risks, but his proposal just now is also a solution.

The three pairs of eyes all had the same doubts, and at this moment, Gao Zhou's cell phone rang suddenly.

After picking it up, he didn't say a word, and then he held his phone and said excitedly: "Mr. Yu, Madam's phone signal is moving, and it's near Yu's house!"

Strange, could it be that Yi Yuzhang personally came out to deceive Yu Yuanyuan?
This is quite a face for the little glutinous rice balls.

(End of this chapter)

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