The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1224 Mile... Mile 4 Who!

Chapter 1224 Mile... Mile Four Who!

"Father, let Yuanyuan go, Yuanyuan will protect herself!" Little Tangyuan ran forward a few steps and patted her chest heroically with her round claws.

Yu Jinxiao glanced at that little Douding with downcast eyes, he seemed to be unsteady even when he was walking, so he still wanted to save his mother?
It would be nice if she didn't get caught herself!
"Mr. Yu, why don't you try the method I just said?" Gao Zhou suggested weakly.

Although the signal came near Yu's house, the location fluctuated to a certain extent, and it was impossible to determine where Yi Yuzhang was.

If a large-scale search was launched at this time, Yi Yuzhang would definitely leave immediately.

At that time, even this last chance will be missed!

The only good way right now is to release the little ball as bait.

Under the desperate guarantee of Gao Zhou and Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Jinxiao finally let go and nodded.

The three of them made preparations with rustling in the room, and then walked towards the outside of the villa area at a distance.

For a cub who has run away from home before, it is easy for him to escape from the sight of the security guards.

Yu Jinxiao even specially put the phone watch on Xiao Zai Zai, pretending that she is a fool who was tricked out, so that the other party can take it lightly.

The chubby little cub in a red down jacket walked out onto the main road, surrounded by tall bushes and haystacks, at first glance, he didn't find anything unusual.

The big red ball was very conspicuous, a lonely cub stood outside, looking around pitifully.

In fact, Yu Yuanyuan was still a little scared.

Her little claws were tucked into her pockets, clenched into fists nervously.

Thinking of saving Mama later, she was both looking forward to it and a little nervous!

There seemed to be no abnormality in the grass, and suddenly there was the sound of a car being courteous.

A car slowly drove out of the grass next to it. There was still a lot of turf on the car, and it was hidden there at some point.

this morning?last night?Even... earlier?

But the speed of the car was very slow, as if afraid of scaring Yu Yuanyuan away, he drove slowly to a place not far from her.

The red, chubby little guy stood there by himself, looking pitifully tragic.

Yu Jinxiao, who was observing in the dark, had his whole heart twisted by an invisible hand, and tried to go out and drag the little cub in several times, but was stopped by his last rationality.

They have already reached this point, as long as they bear with it, they may be able to achieve great reversal and progress!
A muscular man got out of the car, wearing a wool cap and mask, with slender eyes, looking fierce and terrifying.

Yu Yuanyuan recognized at a glance that it was not Yi Yuzhang, the smell was wrong, and the eyes were different from what she remembered!
The little cub hurriedly backed away, and asked in a childish voice, "Who is Lie... Lisi! Libusi fish octopus crispy!"

"Anyway, you are going to see your mother, it doesn't matter whoever picks you up!" The man snorted and gradually quickened his pace.

Seeing this, Yu Yuanyuan shrank back instinctively in fright: " don't look like a good silver, woo woo woo, Yuanyuan is scared!"

Yuanyuan is scared!
Hearing the pitiful cries of the little cub, Yu Jinxiao couldn't sit still anymore.

His figure suddenly appeared, and he slammed the thing he was holding in his hand, and Yu Yuanyuan suddenly flew into the air.

Only then did the man see a long gray and white rope tied around Yu Yuanyuan's body, like a rope used for slipping small animals.

With a little more force on the other end of the rope, Yu Yuanyuan flew back into the air and took off.

(End of this chapter)

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