The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1225 There will never be a second time of this kind of thing

Chapter 1225 There will never be a second time for this kind of thing
The man quickened two steps and wanted to pull, but his fingers only touched the corner of Yu Yuanyuan's clothes, and he didn't grab anything.

The group of red "little lanterns" took off in the air, and was successfully embraced by a tall figure.

That body exuded a terrible threat, which made the man gritted his teeth and tried to run away without daring to touch it head-on.

But as soon as he turned around, a fierce fist was already in front of him, almost blowing his eyeballs out.

The man was also a trainer, so he immediately turned sideways to dodge, his fists brushing his skin and bringing out a terrible gust of wind.

Gao Zhou's speed was terribly fast, and he was caught off guard when he suddenly appeared and killed the man.

After a fierce fight, the man was gradually at a disadvantage, and Gao Zhou kicked him down to the ground, stumbled and couldn't get up.

"Wow, Gao Susu is so handsome! Gao Susu is so powerful!" Yu Yuanyuan nestled in Baba's arms, making her little hands red.

She had heard Ma Ma say that Gao Susu was amazing before, but it was the first time she saw Gao Susu so handsome, even cooler than the characters in TV dramas!

With Xiao Zai Zai's encouragement, Gao Zhou's fist unknowingly increased its strength, fast as a seal, and as strong as a mountain, beating the man dizzy, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

After Gao Zhou made sure that he had no ability to resist, he pulled off the man's mask.

It really wasn't Yi Yuzhang!
There was no second person in the car either.

"Where is Yi Yuzhang?" Gao Zhou twisted the man up, took the rope that Yu Jinxiao untied from Yu Yuanyuan's body, and tied the man up.

"Hehe." The man refused to say anything, but just laughed in a sinister voice.

Gao Zhou checked the car, only to find a mobile phone.

He showed the discovery to Yu Jinxiao, and Yu Jinxiao immediately recognized that it was He Yitong's cell phone.

"Don't laugh!" Yu Yuanyuan put her hips on her hips and warned ferociously, "Where is Mama, where is Suyu Octopus!"


He understood the first sentence of what the kid said, but what did he say after that?
"Mr. Yu, maybe Yi Yuzhang already knows that this person has failed." Gao Zhou even checked the trunk of the car, but found nothing except a mobile phone.

It seemed that everything was a cover-up, how could Yi Yuzhang really come forward in person.

"It's okay, I'll leave this person to you to deal with, arresting Yu Yuanyuan should not be his main purpose."

As soon as this idea surfaced, Yu Jinxiao suddenly thought of another possibility.

Yi Yuzhang should know that Yu Yuanyuan is an adopted daughter, if he wanted to arrest someone to threaten him, he would probably start with Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze.

"Gaozhou, send someone to protect Mingxi and Yingze immediately."


Obviously, it is possible to fight head-on faster, but Yi Yuzhang's revenge seems not enough to let Yu Jinxiao die easily. He is like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows, wanting to play with the prey first and make the prey die more painfully.

After Gao Zhou checked the rope on the man again, he dragged him to his car. He had to find a place to lock the man up. He was the biggest gain so far.

Maybe something can be learned from him.

"Baba, Yuanyuan... you've done a great job!" Yu Yuanyuan gradually came to her senses when she returned to the villa.

She had never seen such a scene before, after feeling the tension and excitement, fortunately there was no danger, she began to chatter again.

"There will never be a second time for this kind of thing!" Yu Jinxiao raised his hand and patted that little head, emphasizing indifferently, "It's very dangerous."

(End of this chapter)

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