The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1226 Yuanyuan meets bad silver

Chapter 1226 Yuanyuan meets bad silver

Thinking of the scene of the man walking towards Yu Yuanyuan just now, Yu Jinxiao, who has never been shaken by danger, will feel faint fear.

This small glutinous rice ball is soft, as if it will be broken if pressed by someone.

If she was really taken away, she might be abused by the bad guys. No matter how hard she begged for help, she would never soften a heart determined to revenge.

"Yuanyuan is not afraid of danger! Be brave, you are not afraid of danger!" After being carried home, Yu Yuanyuan still groaned and emphasized.

Probably the smoothness just now gave her an illusion of overconfidence, making this little glutinous rice ball think that she was very powerful.

In fact, most of the operations were done by Gao Zhou, and the people were also caught by Gao Zhou. This little Douding is just a bait.

The only contribution is to swing the short legs and walk out.

After Yu Yuanyuan was settled, Yu Jinxiao was going to meet with Gao Zhou, intending to dig out some clues from that man.

The cub who was repeatedly told not to leave the yard could only play obediently in the cat house.

"Dafa~ When will Ma Ma be able to make money?" Yu Zaizai sighed depressedly.

Da Hua raised her eyelids and glanced at her: "Where did your mother go?"

You can't tell other "people" about Mama, but she can tell Miaomiao.

Xiao Zai Zai, who had been bored for two days, finally found a chance to tell Da Hua what happened. After a brief moment of happiness, Xiao Zai Zai wrinkled into a ball again.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. You should eat and sleep. You are just a human cub." Dahua yawned big, raised her hand to pat Yu Yuanyuan's knee, and turned over Continue to doze off.

"Round round?"

Suddenly a familiar voice came from outside.

Xiao Zaizai raised his head and saw Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan standing outside.

I haven't seen each other for a while, and both of them have grown a lot taller, even their hair has grown.

"Brother Yunqing, brother Yunlan!" The little guy nestled in the cat's nest ran out, but remembered his father's advice, and immediately stopped at the gate of the yard.

"Long time no see, Yuanyuan, do you miss us?"

Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan, who were wearing overcoats, showed completely different styles of young handsome guys. Even though they were not very old, they already had an eye-catching light.

"..." Yu Yuanyuan was stunned for two seconds before answering, "Think about it!"

The two smiling faces were suddenly frustrated: "Why did Yuanyuan think for a while before answering!"

"Baba, you should be more careful with what you say!"


Actually, too many things have happened in the recent period, and Yu Yuanyuan never pretended to have twins in her little head.

But when someone asked her suddenly, following the principle of farting rainbows, she had to say "I think so".

"Brother Yunqing, brother Yunlan, where have you been recently?" Yu Yuanyuan blinked her big innocent eyes, and changed the subject smoothly.

Mo Yunqing scratched her head in embarrassment, and stared at the sky: "I'm a little busy with school, my father took me to live in another villa, I have to take tutoring every day, and I have to go to weekends..."

"Yuanyuan, it's definitely not because our grades are bad!"

What a place there is no silver 300 taels!

Fortunately, the person they were talking to was Yu Yuanyuan, she couldn't hear the strangeness in it, she just smirked.

"How is Yuanyuan doing recently?"

Recently... I've had a good time... Hey... These two days have been so tiring!
In the past, Yu Yuanyuan would definitely wave her paw happily and say "Happy".

But now the little guy in front of him was dejected and kicked the stones on the ground: "Hey, Yuanyuan has met bad silver!"

(End of this chapter)

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