The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1227 You should find someone to practice

Chapter 1227 You should find someone to practice
"Bad guy??" When Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan heard this, they squatted down in fright and wanted to ask clearly.

Yu Yuanyuan couldn't tell the specific situation, she explained it was a secret, and continued to sigh.

The background of the Yu family is not ordinary, and it is normal for someone to target or do bad things.

Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan were already in contact with his father's working environment, and he occasionally heard that his father would encounter some dangerous situations.

Because, Dad said that's what rich people do!
Enjoy everything that money brings, and stand on the tip of the knife and move forward cautiously.

"Yuanyuan, wait for me!" Mo Yunqing suddenly thought of something, took off the scarf from her neck and hung it around that little neck, "I'll be right back!"

"Yunqing, where are you going?"

"Go home and get something!"

Even Mo Yunlan didn't understand what he was going to do.

Yu Yuanyuan hung a long, warm scarf like a round and cute little hanger, obediently waiting for Mo Yunqing to come back.

Although the weather has gotten a little warmer, when you breathe out a little outdoors, there will still be a faint white mist.

I saw Mo Yunqing running all the way back from home, holding a pen in his hand.

When she reached Yu Yuanyuan's side, Mo Yunqing squatted down, and held the ordinary-looking pen in front of her.

"Yuanyuan, this is for you." Mo Yunqing said solemnly.

Yu Yuanyuan tilted her head, and grabbed the pen embarrassingly: "Brother Yunqing, Yuanyuan is not very good at writing yet!"

The length of this pen is shorter than ordinary pens, and it is pressed. In Yu Yuanyuan's view, it is a waste to hold it by yourself.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yunqing smiled mysteriously and said, "Let me demonstrate it to you."

Mo Yunqing pinched the body of the pen with his fingers, and when he pressed the top end with his thumb, a sharp and thin sharp needle point suddenly appeared.

"This is a magic horse!!" Yu Yuanyuan's eyes widened in shock.

"Yuanyuan, this is a weapon, this is not an ordinary pen!" Mo Yunqing demonstrated to Xiao Zaizai how to open it before carefully handing it to Yu Yuanyuan, "If you meet bad guys, Just open this and stab him! As soon as he lets go, run quickly, run towards a crowded place, and ask others for help!"

"Wow! That's amazing!" Yu Yuanyuan pinched the pen, and stabbed the air twice in a comical way.

It doesn't look threatening at all, it seems to be funny.

Mo Yunlan frowned, and whispered to Mo Yunqing's side and asked, "But, it was given to you by Dad, so you should keep it for self-defense!"

"Yuanyuan needs it more now," Mo Yunqing shrugged indifferently, "Besides, don't you still have one? Let's just use one!"

Mo Yunlan: "..."

This seems to make sense, but it doesn't seem to make sense.

But seeing Mo Yunqing's resolute appearance, Mo Yunlan couldn't say anything.

"Yuanyuan, tomorrow, Yunqing and Yunlan and I will go on a business trip with Dad to country F, and play there by the way. When I come back, I will bring you many, many presents! Bring beautiful and interesting things! And bring them well Eat!" As soon as Mo Yunqing finished speaking, Mo Yunlan rushed to express that she would bring a gift back.

Yu Yuanyuan's dull eyes gradually brightened.


very good!
After playing with the twins for a while, the driver came to pick them up.

Yu Yuanyuan looked at the pen in his hand, thinking that he should find someone to practice.

If the bad guys are not skilled enough, it will be miserable!
But who to pinch?Everyone looks so busy!

Yu Yuanyuan suddenly thought of something, and gradually shifted her gaze to the only sleeping creature in the family, Dahua.

(End of this chapter)

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