The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1228 Meow Aw Aw Aw

Chapter 1228 Meow Aw Aw Aw

"Big hair, big hair~~" Yu Yuanyuan took her new "weapon" and jumped into the cat house.

Dahua was sleeping comfortably, and opened her eyes with difficulty: "Meow? (What's the matter)"

"Brother Yunqing gave Yuanyuan a weapon just now~" Yu Zaizai showed an expression of studying hard, "Yuanyuan wants to practice, can Dafa accompany Yuanyuan to practice?"

"Oh, little meaning, let me show you my skills."

Dahua yawned, her fat body stood up slowly, arched her back, and assumed a fighting posture.

"Yuanyuan won't show sharp points, don't be afraid of Dafa~"

"Oh, afraid? I am not afraid!"

One big and one small confront each other silently at first, just like the necessary steps before the masters in martial arts movies start fighting.

The two mews cast sharp gazes, and at the moment when the confrontation ended, Dahua took off in the air, and Yu Yuanyuan took the pen and "struck" towards Dahua at the fastest speed in her life.

Before her hand touched Dahua, Dahua's claws snapped flexibly and opened her claws.

Yu Yuanyuan gave a "ah" and hurriedly tried to get back to the place.

Even with the "weapon", Yu Yuanyuan didn't feel that she had the upper hand, she panicked and wanted to "stick" at a different angle, but Dahua's movements were too fast, and with another kick on her back foot, the "pencil" in her hand was "Kick and fly out directly.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was so tired and humming, didn't want to admit defeat, now it's practice, she must work hard!

The dizzy Xiao Zai Zai picked up the "pen" and continued to fight against Da Hua.

Dahua seems to have a fat body, but she is extremely flexible, stepping on various things in the cat's house and moving around in mid-air, Yu Yuanyuan can't do anything with it.

Dahua, who was immersed in complacency, narrowed his eyes, and from the corner of his vision, he saw the anxious expression of the little boy, and suddenly felt a little unbearable.

If she keeps losing, will she cry?
Or... Let her win just once?
Thinking of this, Dahua slowed down her speed, deliberately setting aside time for Yu Yuanyuan to find a sense of accomplishment.

Anyway, just pretending to be "pricked" once, she can laugh happily.

Da Hua squinted her cat eyes, deliberately stretched her body, and slowed down her movements...

Yu Yuanyuan held up the "pen" and got closer and closer, a cold light flashed!
"Meow ow ow ow—"

The cat house exploded with a scream.

Yu Yuanyuan was also frightened, she swallowed her saliva while pinching the pen, glanced at the "pen" in her hand from the corner of her eye, oh wow, when did the point come out! !

Da Hua grinned and lay on the ground, even showing her claws in pain.

The "pen" is a push type, and it should have been accidentally touched by the big flower just now.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was immersed in "practice", did not notice the tip that was pressed out, and when Dahua slowed down to release the water, she was accidentally pierced by the tip.

Fortunately, Yu Yuanyuan didn't use all her strength, she only stabbed lightly with the tip, and the big flower screamed and jumped away.

"Dafa, to Buji!" Yu Yuanyuan immediately pressed the "pen" and put the tip away, "Yuanyuan didn't do it on purpose! Dafa, don't wash it!"

Da Hua raised her paws and lay on the ground dying, meowing: "It's okay, I won't die so easily."

I used to fight with other wild cats, and I was caught with bloodstains all over my body. Didn't I be fine in the end?
Hehe, just a small thorn...

When Dahua was losing her mind, a pair of warm arms hugged it tightly.

Something seemed to be dripping on the fur, it was wet and warm.

(End of this chapter)

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