The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1229 Winking desperately at her

Chapter 1229 Winking desperately at her

Dahua turned the cat's head to take a look, and found that it was Yu Yuanyuan who was crying.

The little head rubbed against her body, seeing her so sad, Da Hua was forced to pull himself together to comfort her.

"Look! Ben Meow is fine!" Dahua slipped out of her embrace, deliberately walking back and forth.

The big problem is no, it's just that... my butt hurts a bit when I walk.

"Really? Dafa, are you really okay?" Yu Yuanyuan lay on the ground, nervously brushing away a bunch of cat hair on Dahua's buttocks.

There is a pale pink spot on the skin, it doesn't look deep, it's just broken skin.

"It's okay, look at meow is doing well!"

In order to reassure Yu Yuanyuan, Dahua deliberately swayed and walked with her aching buttocks on her back, pacing back and forth several times.

Yu Yuanyuan finally felt relieved seeing it jumping around alive and kicking, and looked at the "weapon" in his hand again.

She stared blankly for a while, then suddenly asked: "Dafa, how powerful is this thing?"

"..." Da Hua squinted her cat eyes and stared at her.

Is not this nonsensical?Why don't you try it yourself?
"It hurts!" A few seconds later, Dahua put down her body and emphasized.

"Wow, it seems that this weapon is really powerful!" Yu Yuanyuan pressed the cap of the pen, and the spikes immediately retracted into the pen, which looked like an ordinary pen.

Obtaining a powerful weapon +1, Yu Yuanyuan became swaggering even when walking.

Now that she has a weapon in hand, she will definitely be able to save Ma Mada!

Yu Yuanyuan, who was a cub at home, spent the whole day looking at the window in the hall, waiting and waiting, and when the brothers came back, they were followed by a group of dark bodyguards.

"Yuanyuan, do you know what happened?" As soon as Yu Mingxi came home, he first grabbed Aunt Chen and questioned her, and finally asked Yu Yuanyuan.

Yu Yingze also looked curious: "I also find it strange that my father suddenly asked someone to pick me up from get out of class. Could it be... What's the trouble?"

These years they have been living without wind and waves, and this is the first time they have seen such a battle.

Who in Jiangcheng doesn't know Yu Jinxiao, and almost no one dares to confront him, whether it's overtly or secretly.

Now even Dad asks bodyguards to protect them... I'm afraid...

Yu Yuanyuan didn't expect her brother to ask suddenly, her eyes widened subconsciously: "I don't know."

As soon as she finished speaking, she remembered that others said that she didn't blink every time she lied, so she deliberately added a few blinks.

For Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze, it was not surprising that Yu Yuanyuan didn't know anything, after all, as the older children in their family, they didn't know anything!

Why isn't Baba getting fat?

Yu Zaizai waited and waited, until Shen Ji came and left after tutoring, she heard the familiar sound of an engine coming from outside.

The little cub who was in a daze in the room ran out, but Yu Jinxiao was stopped when he reached the stairs on the second floor.

"Baba, you're finally gaining weight!" Yu Yuanyuan stretched out her arms excitedly, just about to ask if she found Mama, when she heard two clear coughs from the top of her head.

Huh?Is Baba sick?

"Baba, isn't your throat muffled?"

Xiao Zaizai raised his head and found Baba's eyes were strange, winking at her desperately.

"Baba, has something happened at home recently?" Yu Mingxi walked out of the bedroom and asked worriedly.

Hearing his brother's voice, Xiao Zai Zai understood the meaning of Ba Ba's expression all of a sudden.

Yu Yuanyuan quickly swallowed the question that was on her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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