The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1232 Have You Loved Me?

Chapter 1232 Have You Loved Me?

When He Yitong opened his eyes, what he saw was a completely strange place.

She thought for a long time before she remembered that she was plotted against by Yi Yuzhang.

His body was exhausted, as if his soul had been sucked out, and he could barely stand up and sit on the sofa.

A locked iron chain was tied to the foot, and it could not be opened without a key.

"Damn it, Yi Yuzhang, that bastard..." He Yitong tugged with all his remaining strength, but the iron chain on his feet didn't budge.

How could such a thick iron chain be broken with bare hands.

With just a little effort, He Yitong felt out of breath and weak all over, and had to sit on the sofa to pant for a long time.

"Yitong, are you awake?" Yi Yuzhang's voice suddenly came out of the room.

There was no kindness in that laughing voice, as if a demon crawling out of hell was chuckling and chanting a spell.

He Yitong's animal intuition was instantly awakened, and he instinctively kept his distance in the opposite direction from the sound.


All kinds of ferocious words were already on the lips, but the voice of the system task suddenly sounded, abruptly stopping He Yitong's words that he wanted to curse.

There are 9 points left on her progress bar, and success is just around the corner!
[Ding dong!New task: Ask Yi Yuzhang if you have ever loved me? 】

[Task progress +4 after completion]

He Yitong fell into complete silence watching this extremely boring and embarrassing plot.

The woman who was noisy just now suddenly became quiet, which made Yi Yuzhang a little curious about what happened to her.

According to the original plot, He Yitong really thought that Yi Yuzhang loved her, but was completely used by him.

During the period of being kidnapped, she looked at Yi Yuzhang who was so indifferent to her as if he was a stranger, and asked this line in pain.

Oh shit, this task is so embarrassing.

However, this mission has 4 progress points!
If it is completed, she is only 5 mission points away from the liberation plot! Hey!
This powerful temptation made He Yitong unable to refuse, no matter what she would not give up the opportunity.

"What are you thinking?" Yi Yuzhang shook the goblet, and the wine-red liquid inside was shaking.

He Yitong looked very embarrassed, but he seemed to be attending a banquet, leisurely and at ease.

"Why did you arrest me here?" He Yitong recalled the similar roles he had filmed, and decided to lay the groundwork before speaking his lines.

"Because you are the most beneficial weapon against Yu Jinxiao."

The undisguised Yi Yuzhang has the villain's indifference in both his tone and eyes.

"Then your proposal to me is a lie, everything is a lie, right?" He Yitong successfully squeezed out tears, with an extremely distressed expression, "Have you ever loved me?"

Finally, the lines were spoken, and the atmosphere in the room became weird.

Yi Yuzhang didn't expect her to ask such a question, he froze in surprise, and the wine glass that was swaying proudly just now also stopped for a few seconds.

The two were deadlocked for almost 5 minutes before Yi Yuzhang finally came back to his senses, and his tone suddenly turned cold: "Of course not, the purpose of approaching you is to use you!"


To approach her is to take advantage of her.

But why think about it now, his approach plan doesn't look like a success at all?

Originally, Yi Yuzhang planned to win He Yitong's heart, and after gaining her trust completely, he made her willing to become a weapon to threaten Yu Jinxiao.

As things got more and more out of control, Yi Yuzhang realized that the plan was tricky, and was finally forced to take He Yitong away in such a violent way.

But, just now, 5 minutes ago, she actually cried and asked him if he loved her...

Yi Yuzhang was a little messy.

Long before he kidnapped her, he had already decided that He Yitong didn't like him, but the way He Yitong cried and questioned just now made him feel in a daze... He Yitong seemed to... love him?
(End of this chapter)

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