The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1233 Eat as much as you want, sleep as much as you want

Chapter 1233 Eat as much as you want, sleep as much as you want

Yi Yuzhang, who had already decided that He Yitong "doesn't love him", was suddenly shaken from his previous thoughts.

But what's the point of loving it or not?

His purpose is revenge, and He Yitong is just a tool in this ring.

He can't really love anyone.

He Yitong didn't make a sound for a long time after hearing the answer, her eyes were red and she looked at him in disbelief.

Yi Yuzhang suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth proudly.

It turns out that his "tool man" still has feelings for him?
He is not a complete failure.

In fact, He Yitong with a dazed expression was checking the progress bar. After making sure that the progress bar had advanced by 4 points, she clenched her fists excitedly and couldn't help but smile.

Is this madness?Can you still laugh?

Yi Yuzhang pursed his lips, and sat at a table beside him with red wine.

This is the safe house he has set up long ago, and no one can find it, let alone locate it through any communication tool.

As long as He Yitong is here, no one will ever find out.

Just five points away from the last, she will be able to complete the progress bar, completely out of the control of the system.

Say what you want to say, do what you want to do, and will never be taken over by the system for language and behavior.

Only five o'clock!

Last five o'clock!
Now He Yitong is not afraid at all, she seems to be a student who is taking the last subject in the final exam and is about to go on summer vacation.

Nothing but excitement!
Yi Yuzhang seemed to be drinking, but in fact he had been secretly watching He Yitong's reaction.

She imagined begging for mercy, begging for help, and begging for nothing. She even sat on the sofa alone, staring at an empty corner and showing a strange excited smile.

This house...couldn't be unclean? ?

I was locked up here for two days.

At first, He Yitong felt that she could bear it, but then she became more and more irritable. When Yi Yuzhang was going out, she kicked the door several times with all her strength.

The door was solid and not broken, but there was a green mark on her foot from the iron chain.

Tired of kicking, He Yitong lay down on the sofa, grabbed the food that Yi Yuzhang asked to put here, and stuffed two mouthfuls hard.

This's so's so easy.

In the past two days, other than sleeping, He Yitong couldn't remember how long he hadn't rested like this.

Filming in the crew has always been a day and night reversal. Sometimes I can't eat two bites, and the assistant stops me, saying that I can't eat any more, and I will gain weight if I eat any more.

No one cares about her now, she eats when she wants, sleeps when she wants, except that she is uncomfortable not being able to go out, everything else is fine.


While He Yitong was training his abdominal muscles on the sofa, there was the sound of a mechanical door opening from the door.

Yi Yuzhang pushed the door open, saw her doing abdominal exercises on the sofa, and had the illusion that He Yitong was on vacation.

Is this the consciousness that a tool person should have? ?

"Tomorrow, Yu Jinxiao will bring a ransom to rescue you," Yi Yuzhang deliberately told her the news, with a smirk on his lips, "I have waited for so many years, and finally I can take revenge."

"Who are you, and what enmity does Yu Jinxiao have with you?"

He Yitong wanted to ask a long time ago, but Yi Yuzhang seldom came, he just trapped her in this room where she couldn't leave.

Anyway, his identity has been exposed, Yi Yuzhang didn't bother to pretend, and told He Yitong all about his father.

Based on the memory provided by the system after entering the book, He Yitong knew that there was such a thing.

But...she didn't remember saying that Yu Jinxiao did it on purpose!
"No, he wanted to help your father, so he sent that friend who betrayed your father to prison." He Yitong knew that Yi Yuzhang had already gone mad for revenge, "Later, the news of your death abroad came. , Chengxiang Group is in a mess, Yu Jinxiao is trying to help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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