The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1235 You... protect each other!

Chapter 1235 You... protect each other!
Nothing more...

What's the use of asking her to knock on the door now?Saw it all!

In the whole family, only this little glutinous rice ball enters the door without knocking!
"Ba Ba, are you going to rescue Ma Ma?" Yu Yuanyuan came to the table, her small body was barely as high as the table, and her furry head just passed the table.

I remember that when she first came here, she couldn't even see the table with her eyes. She didn't expect the child to grow so fast.

For some reason, Yu Jinxiao suddenly felt a little emotional.

As soon as this emotion came up, he immediately suppressed it.

No, why is this like a flag? ? ?

Every character who is about to go offline will have some sad thoughts and sighs!
Although this trip is dangerous, he will definitely come back safely!
For the little glutinous rice balls, but also for the sons.

As long as he thinks of their crying faces, Yu Jinxiao feels that the dangers in this world are nothing.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Yi Yuzhang called.

He provided a very remote address, and there were many celestial eyes along the way, which seemed to be convenient for Yi Yuzhang to monitor.

The road was straight and long, if someone arranged to follow him secretly, Yi Yuzhang might find out before he reached the destination.

After checking the map, Gao Zhou was forced to give up the idea of ​​following him quietly.

"Stay at home and protect...protect this little glutinous rice ball." Saying this, Yu Jinxiao stuffed Yu Yuanyuan into Gao Zhou's arms.

In the past no matter how dangerous the situation was, Gao Zhou would be with him, but now he can only act alone, how could Gao Zhou be calm.

Before setting off, Gao Zhou already had a sad expression on his face.

"That's right, Gao Susu stays at home, and Yuanyuan will go with him!" Yu Yuanyuan got out of Gao Zhou's arms, raised her claws and made a more ridiculous proposal.

The little head was pressed back by Yu Jinxiao, and his voice was serious: "No, you and Uncle Gao stay at home, you... protect each other!"

"Round round..."

Before Xiao Zai Zai finished speaking, Yu Jinxiao emphasized his tone: "You can't say anything, this matter is not for discussion!"


Gao Zhou went to send Yu Jinxiao out with the cub in his arms. A tracking and positioning system was installed in the car, as well as a monitoring device.

If you can keep one hand, Gaozhou has already arranged for someone to be on call at another corner at the end of that road.

In order not to be discovered by Yi Yuzhang, they had no choice but to hide there, and they couldn't get any closer.

"Baba, you have to be careful!" Yu Yuanyuan and Gao Zhou's expressions were almost the same.

Gao Zhou hugged her and stood by the car window, the little cub tried his best to get in through the car window and hugged Baba's neck, his reluctance made Yu Jinxiao suddenly feel reluctant to part.

What a shame!
It's not that he won't come back after going, and he made such a separation and sadness, no matter how I think about it, I feel that the omen is not good.

"Okay, I'm leaving, you stay at home obediently..." Yu Jinxiao turned around again, "Protect Uncle Gao."

"Puba~you have to be careful~you must make a good fat~" Xiao Zai Zai reluctantly held Yu Jinxiao's face, and the cute little round hand patted and patted his head in turn, and finally slapped With one sip, the kiss echoed.

Yu Jinxiao set off.

The remaining two people, one tall and one short, stood in place and watched from afar.

"Miss Yuanyuan, Mr. Yu will definitely come back safely!"

Just as Yu Yuanyuan was about to answer the conversation, she suddenly remembered something... That's right!She didn't have a prophetic dream, does this mean that Baba will definitely be safe and fat? !
(End of this chapter)

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