The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1236 A Conjecture That Makes Him Nervous

Chapter 1236 A Conjecture That Makes Him Nervous
Thinking that his father would be fine, Xiao Zai Zai's frown slightly relaxed.

Gao Zhou stayed at Yu's house to accompany Yu Yuanyuan.

Xiao Zai Zai, who is usually very cheerful, is more silent than ever today.

That little head didn't know what he was thinking, and he buried his head and played with toys very quietly, without saying a word for a long time.

Gao Zhou stared at this small and soft figure, suddenly he didn't understand Mr. Yu's thoughts.

As the youngest child in the family, this little cub was actually the only one who knew about his mother's accident.

Even the older Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze didn't know, why did Mr. Yu tell Yu Yuanyuan?

It seems a little cruel to distress a child who should be carefree at this age.

"Gao Susu, why is it so hard to pull out the fish and fish octopus Susu?" The little guy who was playing with toys put down the things in his hand and suddenly asked Gao Zhou that he was caught off guard.

Gao Zhou thought it over carefully, then touched the little head and explained: "Mr. Yu did no harm, he did something good, but he was misunderstood." In order to prevent Yuanyuan from being misunderstood, Gao Zhou tried his best to explain with the simplest words. , "Some people only want to believe what they think is the truth. After being dominated by hatred for so many years, they have lost the courage to face the truth and admit their mistakes."

Even if he knew it was wrong, Yi Yuzhang probably wouldn't admit it in his heart.

Otherwise, what is his persistence for so many years?Is it a joke?

"Your Excellency is so strange," Yu Yuanyuan pursed her lips and sighed, "It doesn't matter if you make a mistake, brother Shen Ji said, as long as you sum up carefully and don't make mistakes in the future, it will be fine."

Gao Zhou smiled helplessly.

The world of adults is complicated. There are many seemingly simple things, but they can go around and around.

No wonder children can't understand.

Usually after lunch, Yu Yuanyuan would obediently go to take a nap.

But today she was preoccupied with something, so she couldn't be in a sleepy mood.

The transaction address sent by Yi Yuzhang is more than 3 hours away by car. Gaozhou calculates the time, and Mr. Yu should have arrived almost.

What will happen?

Gao Zhou's heart skipped a beat when he thought of the bait-like ransom of 100 million.

It's just that he didn't dare to show too much worry, for fear of scaring Xiao Zai Zai.

As Gao Zhou estimated, Yu Jinxiao arrived at the trading place proposed by Yi Yuzhang in about the same time.

It's just that this is an abandoned factory, with a lot of debris piled up in a mess, and there are too many blind spots. It seems that any place that can't be seen clearly can be hidden and attacked.

Holding the ransom box, Yu Jinxiao slowed down to find someone in the factory.

This place is too big. After he got out of the car, he didn't see a living person, and he didn't even notice anything wrong.

Could it be that Yi Yuzhang hasn't arrived yet?

But it shouldn't.

He proposed a ransom of 100 million, there must be other purposes, how could he not arrive early?

Another guess that made him nervous suddenly popped up in Yu Jinxiao's heart.

Yi Yuzhang's goal from the beginning...could it not be him at all, but someone else?

This idea became more and more clear, which made Yu Jinxiao speed up the pace of finding someone.

Although the factory is big, if Yi Yuzhang decides to deal with him, it is absolutely impossible to delay it for so long, unless...

Yu Jinxiao quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Gaozhou's number.

"Mr. Yu?"

"Gaozhou, I suspect that Yi Yuzhang's target is not me. How are Mingxi and Yingze doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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