The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1238 Don't be afraid!Yuanyuan will protect you!

Chapter 1238 Don't be afraid!Yuanyuan will protect you!
Gao Zhou motioned for others to follow the car, and both Yu Yingze and Yu Yuanyuan took his car.

"Second brother~ Yuanyuan is here to pick you up, are you happy?" As far as Yuanyuan is concerned, she likes to hear good words and rainbow farts from others.

But Yu Yingze's personality is similar to Yu Jinxiao's. He doesn't like to express what he thinks, whether he is happy or unhappy.

Being asked such a direct question, Yu Yingze immediately hesitated and stuttered.

Those big eyes kept staring at him so hard that Yu Yingze couldn't ignore him, so he was forced to blushed and nodded.

Even if it was just a slight nod of the second elder brother, Yu Yuanyuan also giggled happily.

The bodyguards originally sent to protect Yu Yingze followed behind them.

Yu Yingze finally got rid of a group of unfamiliar strangers, and happily chatted with Yu Yuanyuan about the content of his interest class in the car.

Although he was sweating profusely from running, Yu Yingze was so happy that he talked about the results of today's competition.

Although Yu Yuanyuan, who was listening carefully, didn't understand those rules, no matter what the second brother said, she would sigh "Wow! That's amazing".

The atmosphere in the car is pleasant.

But when it was driving, Gao Zhou sensed something was wrong.

There was a car behind them that seemed to be following them from the very beginning. Gao Zhou remembered seeing that car when he was waiting for Yu Yingze at the school gate.

The car disappeared for about 5 minutes in the middle, and now it appeared again!
Gao Zhou's phone rang, and it was the bodyguard in the rear car who also noticed that something was wrong with the car.

"Brother Zhou, do you want to stop processing?"

"No, get rid of people."

To protect the target, you must not stop casually unless it is absolutely necessary.

Once the car is stopped, it may become passive.

Yu Yuanyuan saw Gao Zhou's expression reflected in the rearview mirror in the back row.

Gao Susu seemed to be smiling just now, why suddenly became serious now, is there bad money? ?

Thinking that there might be villains, Yu Yuanyuan tried to turn her head to look behind.

But her whole cub was nestled in the chair, so she couldn't move.

Yu Yingze was talking about the fun of today's football game, but when he realized that Xiao Zai Zai was a little absent-minded, he also stood up and looked at the rear window.

"Yuanyuan, what are you looking for!"

Before the end sound could come to a stop, the car body suddenly turned sharply, and Yu Yingze uncontrollably slumped onto the child seat, sticking to it so that he couldn't move.

Gao Zhou's voice resounded from the front row: "Fasten your seat belt!"

There was a harsh screeching sound outside the car.

A car of bodyguards who had been closely following them was blocked by a large truck that suddenly appeared.

If it weren't for Gaozhou's good driving skills and quick response, they might also be hit by a big truck.

Before Yu Yingze realized what happened, the little boy next to him had already stretched out his claws and pulled his seat belt, and went to try Yu Yingze's seat belt again.

After the inspection, the little milk voice reported seriously: "Report Gao Susu, Yuanyuan and the second brother's seat belts are fastened!"

The situation was urgent, and Gao Zhou felt relieved and relieved when he heard this clear and clear voice.

If it were any other child, I'm afraid they would have been so frightened that they would have cried.

At this time, he has no time to comfort the children!

"Uncle Gao, what... what happened?" Yu Yingze grabbed the door handle and stuttered.

With a pale face, he looked out of the car window nervously, always feeling that there seemed to be invisible dangers approaching all around.

"Second brother," Yu Yuanyuan suddenly stretched out his claws to hold him, "Don't be afraid! Yuanyuan will protect you!"

(End of this chapter)

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