The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1239 If you dare to make any small moves

Chapter 1239 If you dare to make any small moves protect?
what's the situation?
Why does it sound like it's serious?
Gao Zhou looked in the rearview mirror and found that there were two more cars at the intersection, following them closely.

It seemed that someone purposely pinned down the car of bodyguards with a large truck, and didn't even want to cover it up, so they just drove behind and chased after them.

Based on years of intuition, Gao Zhou guessed that this must have something to do with Yi Yuzhang!

"Master Yingze, there is indeed a little trouble, but don't be afraid..."

"Gao Susu will protect us!" The excited little cub rushed to answer, raising his paw to speak for Gao Zhou.

Gao Zhou really wanted to laugh, but the atmosphere was very tense right now, and he was not ready to relax yet.

The two cars were chasing after them, and they seemed to want to speed up and force them to stop, but Gao Zhou failed to let them succeed by using his elegance and various skillful dodges.

Now...he had to wait as long as possible for the car behind to catch up to support him.

There are at least 4 people sitting in the two cars behind, and it is not sure if they are armed. Once they are forced to stop, both Yu Yingze and Yu Yuanyuan may be in danger!
"Ahhhh!" Yu Yingze yelled after being dumped in the back row, "It's so exciting!"

He used to play racing games on computer games, but now, he watched Gaozhou's various cool maneuvers, throwing away the group of people who wanted to stop them again and again.

The current situation does not seem to be the worst, but Gao Zhou's intuition about danger tells him that he seems to be forced into the sparsely populated suburbs by this group of people in a planned way.

It was as if a rope was tied around his neck, making Gao Zhou more and more breathless.

No matter how dangerous the situation is, he must remain calm and try his best to ensure the safety of Miss Yuanyuan and Young Master Yingze!

"Boom!" Suddenly a car sped out from the intersection on the left.

Yu Yingze kept looking around, and the moment he saw the car, he screamed in fright: "Left!"

Gao Zhou, who had already discovered the situation, turned the steering wheel in time, but there were too many small gravels on the ground to make the tires slip, and the car body slammed into the big tree on the side of the road at a horizontal angle.

And the one sitting at the other end was Yu Yingze.

"Ah duck, be careful, second brother!" Yu Yuanyuan stretched out her claws anxiously, trying to pull Yu Yingze to her side.

The car was out of control, and Gao Zhou was sweating coldly, trying to use the steering wheel and brakes to stop the car in an emergency.

"Ah!" Yu Yingze was so frightened that he buried his head in the direction of the child seat, ready to be hit.


After a loud noise from tire rubbing, the car finally stopped.

Yu Yingze and Yu Yuanyuan, whose hearts were beating wildly, waited for a long time before they dared to open their eyes to look.

The car was not damaged, the second brother is safe!


Just two seconds after Yu Yuanyuan rejoiced, he found that the outside of the car was surrounded by three cars from three different angles, and the other side was blocked by a big tree. They had no way to escape.

Gao Zhou didn't have time to hesitate, he quickly got out of the car and helped Yu Yuanyuan unbuckle his seat belt.

The car can no longer help them escape, so they can only get out of the car and look for another chance!
But just as he took the cub out of the car, Yu Yingze's cry came from the other end.

Two masked men dragged Yu Yingze out of the car from the other end, and aimed the gun at Yu Yingze's temple.

"Second brother!" Yu Yuanyuan struggled to rush over, Gao Zhou hurriedly hugged the cub and took a step back.

"Don't move, if you dare to make any small moves, I will kill this child!" The man holding Yu Yingze's voice was fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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