The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1246 Yuanyuan's feet hurt after standing for a long time

Chapter 1246 Yuanyuan's feet hurt after standing for a long time
"But, I remember that Shen Juya has no son." The black hat narrowed his eyes, as if suspecting that Yu Yingze's words were deceptive.

Yu Yingze gave a "tsk" and shook his head with a smile: "You don't know that! Shen Zhuoya thought that his son killed his wife, and he also killed him. He was sent out before he was one year old. Someone else raised him, and now that his son has grown up, he took him home to make up for it, and he will listen to whatever Shen Ji says."

Whether Shen Juya will listen to Shen Ji's words, Yu Yingze doesn't know, but exaggeration is necessary!
Even a kid like him could hear that Shen Ji's threat had shaken the black hat, how could Yu Yingze not take advantage of the situation to add fuel to the picture.

"How do you know these things?"

"Shen Ji had a very good relationship with our family Yuanyuan before he returned to Shen's house, of course we know about him!"

The phone and watch were thrown away, Yu Yuanyuan was still immersed in grief, she had no way to ask other people for help.

His small body was like a melting ball, leaning weakly on the sofa, pouted with a sad face.

But at this moment, Yu Yuanyuan felt someone kicking her feet lightly, it was the second elder brother.

The special little action at a special time gave Xiao Zai Zai a quick reminder, and she probably guessed what the second brother wanted her to do.

Sniffing sadly, Yu Yuanyuan exclaimed angrily: "Brother Shen Ji and Baba will definitely save us!"

"Oh, you can't even protect yourself."

"That's not true, that's not true!" Although Yu Yuanyuan didn't understand what "I can't protect myself" meant, but the tone of the person in the black hat was not good, and it was not a good thing to hear.

Without the phone and watch, Yu Yuanyuan is almost like a sunflower with her head down, holding onto the seat and not talking.

After driving for a long time, they finally saw a very remote factory.

It looks like there is no one here, it is very quiet, it looks like a terrible place.

The car stopped at the door of an open warehouse, surrounded by sundries and garbage, and the wheels drove a large cloud of dust.

The black hat got out of the car, opened the door, and was about to grab Yu Yuanyuan out of the car.

When Xiao Zai Zai saw it, he was so frightened that he immediately hid at Yu Yingze's side: "Where do you want to take Yuanyuan? Achoo! Yuanyuan won't go...Achoo! Let go of Yuanyuan! Achoo, achoo!"

The dust outside made Xiao Zai Zai sneeze non-stop.

As soon as she sneezed, she forgot to struggle, and was successfully caught by the black hat.

Yu Yingze, whose hands were tied, was also brought down. He was relatively quiet, but his eyes rolled around, secretly observing the surrounding situation.

This group of people swaggered into the warehouse, released Yu Yuanyuan to the open space, and warned sharply: "Don't try to escape, if I shoot at that time, you two will die! No matter how fast you are, it is impossible." Faster than a bullet."

Yu Yuanyuan, who has seen Team Meow, still knows what a gun is.

That weapon was very fast, a hundred times more powerful than her sharp pen.

She didn't speak, as if she was a child punished to stand, standing with a ball against the wall.

Now that she was captured by the bad guys, how could Yu Yuanyuan dare to speak out.

She and Yu Yingze stood side by side for about 15 minutes, and finally—

Yu Yuanyuan couldn't bear it anymore and began to moan: "That..."

"What are you trying to say in a low voice?" One of the platform men looked over fiercely.

"Can... can I give Yuanyuan a small bench? Yuanyuan's feet hurt after standing for a long time." Xiao Zai Zai stammered and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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