The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1247 I Don’t Know About Yuanyuan Black Hole 1

Chapter 1247 I don’t know anything about round black holes

In fact, Yu Yingze already had pain in his feet, but he didn't dare to make a request. He didn't expect that little Douding next to him to be so bold!
Under the gaze of a group of villains much taller than them, Yu Yingze felt his scalp start to sweat, and secretly tugged on Yu Yuanyuan's cuff.

How dare you make a request at any time, you must be too courageous!
If this group of people is angered, will the two children have any bones left?
"Thank you... Thank you, Susu!" Yu Yuanyuan thought that Yu Yingze didn't thank her for dragging herself, and immediately stammered to add.

One of the men who was sitting on a wooden box drinking water got up with a huff and stared at them horribly.

That momentum is scary!

Although Yu Yingze was afraid, he immediately blocked his sister behind him, trembling.

"Take it! This is enough for the two of you!" The man came over with a fierce expression, and put the wooden box on the ground.

It turns out... It turns out that they are given something to sit on!

Yu Yingze's tense back broke out in a cold sweat, and he hurriedly pulled Yu Yuanyuan to sit down.

"Wait a minute, wipe it clean, otherwise it will stain the clothes~" Yu Yuanyuan said, squatting down and blowing hard on the dust on the box.

After more than ten seconds of wheezing and wheezing, she was so tired that she almost sat back on the ground like a puppy sticking out her tongue.

Seeing this, the crew-haired man laughed loudly, and handed the little Zai Zai two tissues: "Take it."

"Yeah, there are tissues!" Yu Yuanyuan stammered with exhaustion, "Thank you...thank you Susu."

No matter what she said or did, Yu Yuanyuan tried her best to be polite.

A polite little friend shouldn't be hated... huh?

If these bad Susu are angered, she and her brother will be in big trouble!

After wiping the cardboard box with a paper towel, Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Yingze sat down to rest together.

The black hat was answering the phone in the corner, looking in Yu Yuanyuan's direction from time to time, making the two children tremble with fear.

When the black hat just sat down on the chair when he came back from the phone call, Yu Yuanyuan came out again timidly: " you sell us?"

The black hat took a sip of water, looked at them with raised eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Sell you? Do you think you are worth anything?"

This question aroused Yu Yuanyuan's thinking, she pursed her lips, thinking seriously about her own value.

"It shouldn't be worth much..."

"Why?" Black Hat was curious.

"Because Yuanyuan eats too much, it costs money."

That's right, if you want to speak badly of yourself, the kind that you can't sell, maybe this bad uncle will give him back.

"Eating too much?" Pingtou was also amused, "You are so small, how much can you eat?"

Yu Yingze was silent beside him.

You ordinary people don't know anything about round black holes!
What the hell, actually she doesn't eat much?

Yu Yuanyuan's cognition suddenly received a strong impact!
Everyone used to say that she ate too much, and she always thought she was a big eater, but now someone said she couldn't eat much at such a young age.

"I'm hungry, go and buy a few boxes of lunch." The black hat took out some cash and handed it to the man in the leather jacket who had been silent in the corner. "Be careful, don't be followed."


what!Do you want to eat?

It was only then that Yu Yuanyuan felt that she was already hungry. She was too nervous and scared just now, so she didn't realize it.

However, the rice bought by Susu will have her and the second brother?
About half an hour later, the fur coat came back with two big sacks of box lunch.

This huge warehouse was filled with the smell of food at once.

The black hat looked at Yu Yuanyuan's direction with a sneer, and whispered with the others.

(End of this chapter)

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