The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1248 Can you make a little request?

Chapter 1248 Can I make a little request?

"Little friend, didn't you say that you eat a lot?" Pingtou took two boxes of lunch and put them in front of them, "If you eat all of these, I can give you another quilt."

Yu Yingze glanced at the lunch box, and asked in a low voice, "Both these boxes belong to her?"

"Of course not, one box for you, one box for her!"


Yu Yingze secretly patted his chest in his heart.

According to the food intake of Yuanyuan's black hole in his memory, if she was alone in these two boxes, he would definitely not be able to eat a single bite.

Speaking of being hungry, Yu Yingze also felt empty in his stomach and wanted to eat something.

The lunch box is transparent, so you can see the food inside at a glance.

Both are clear, I don't know if this group of people chose them specially for the children, or they just took them casually.

Yu Yingze eats chili every day, such a bland food, even if she is hungry, she can't eat much.

"Excuse me, can I have another one with chili?" Yu Yingze also boldly asked.

Yu Yuanyuan also made a request just now, and this group of people didn't seem angry, maybe he can make a little request?

After hearing Yu Yingze's request, the group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they couldn't believe that they wanted to eat chili at such a young age.

The black hat picked out a box of lunch, and changed another box of flavors: "Is this all right?"

"OK, thank you!"

Yu Yuanyuan's pretending to be obedient inspired Yu Yingze, as long as they are polite and obedient, this group of people should not make things difficult for them.

Cub Zai, who had never eaten like this before, didn't know what to do for a while.

Yu Yingze has lived a good life since he was a child, and he has never eaten a box lunch.

The two children secretly looked at the adults, imitating their movements, put the lunch box on the ground and separated it, took off the lid, picked up the matching plastic spoon, and took the rice box in their hands.

Among the two children, Yu Yingze was the oldest. In order to eat, they untied Yu Yingze's hands, but tied his feet instead.

Although they have guns in their hands, they don't want to make the situation worse, and they don't want to cause too much trouble.

The four men squatted aside, staring at the two children while eating.

"Bah, blah, blah, blah, blah..."

Yu Yingze ate very politely, but the little Douding next door ate with so much devotion, squinting his eyes, he never stopped chewing.

Does she really know that her situation is dangerous?
For other children, I'm afraid they would have been so frightened that they cried loudly, how can they still eat?
Even, it tastes so delicious! !

"Little friend, aren't you afraid? You can still eat?" The black hat looked down at the little ball and couldn't help asking curiously.

Although she is a child, her behavior is quite interesting, completely different from ordinary children.

This little ball aroused everyone's curiosity.

"I'm afraid, but I'm afraid I have to eat~ baji baji~" Yu Yuanyuan replied, not forgetting to stuff food into her mouth, as if she was afraid that someone would snatch it from her.

These dishes were different from Aunt Chen's delicately cooked food. Yu Yingze finished eating the spicy dishes from the grid, and he didn't have much appetite for the rest.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Yu Yuanyuan raised her head from the two empty boxes, and looked eagerly at the box next door: "Second brother, you don't want to eat? There are so many jiejie left!"

How could Yu Yingze not know what she meant, scraped off the place where the chili was stained, and pushed the other untouched food over: "Here you are!"

(End of this chapter)

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