The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1249 Is it really kidnapping now?

Chapter 1249 Is it really kidnapping now?

It's not enough to eat one box, but you want to eat half of it?
Several men were eating and eating, and their attention had drifted to the children.

Could it be to force myself to eat for a quilt?

The elder brother couldn't eat, so he forced the younger sister to eat. Could it be that the younger sister is not doing well at home?

A strange trend flowed tacitly in several pairs of eyes, as if they had reached an agreement.

"Little friend, forget it if you can't finish eating, I'll bring you the quilt later." Ping Tou put down his chopsticks and said in the direction of Xiao Zai Zai.

Yu Yuanyuan heard what he said, but the speed of cooking didn't stop at all: "Hey, hey, Yuanyuan can finish eating~"

After the words fell, the little head searched in the lunch box, and the lunch box was empty.

She looked like she was still not satisfied, she touched her stomach and sighed: "Hey, Yuanyuan should eat less, now it's not as good as before."

What?Not better than before?

Why does this sound like this box and a half is not enough for her to eat? ?

"Isn't this enough for you?" The man in the leather jacket who had been silent all this time couldn't help asking.

Yu Yuanyuan patted her head embarrassingly, and smiled foolishly: "Everyone says Yuanyuan eats a bit too much."

a bit much?
You really know how to use adjectives!
Is this a bit much?

Where is the appetite of a three-year-old child!It's too exaggerated!
Noticing that Yu Yuanyuan's eyes were looking at their boxed lunches, the men gathered around and accelerated the speed of picking up the food, as if they were afraid that if they slowed down, they would be cut off by a kid.

When the group of people dispersed and there was nothing in those lunch boxes, Yu Yuanyuan actually sighed with great regret.

Pingtouyiyi brought a not-so-clean quilt, and brought several boxes together to make it look like a small bed.

In this way, Yu Yuanyuan rolled out the quilt and turned over the other half to sleep.

Yu Yingze looked at the gray quilt with disgust on his face.

He has never slept in such a dirty place since he was a child!

He would like to sit on the grass when playing, but sleeping in this kind of could he sleep!

But Yu Yuanyuan didn't seem to think there was any problem, so she climbed up and tried it, and then grabbed the quilt to cover her belly.

"Wow, Jiang Zi can go to sleep now!" Yu Yuanyuan's tone unexpectedly had a kind of unexpected surprise.

Is it really kidnapping now?

Several men looked at each other in amazement, for Yu Yuanyuan's reaction, they felt more like camping in a difficult environment.

The small body was lying under the quilt, and it was round and round, looking from a distance, it looked like a small ball was stuffed in the quilt.

Yu Yuanyuan was already lying down, but suddenly thought of something, she tried her best to support her head and asked, "Susu, can Yuanyuan sleep for a while?"

"...Go to sleep," the corners of the flat-headed mouth moved, "put the quilt on."


The four of them met their gazes again, and unconsciously reached out to touch the two pairs of earplugs that had been prepared in their pockets.

This time, there was a 3-year-old child in the kidnapping target, and they were ready for her to cry and make noise and damage her ears.

But why is the current style of painting completely different from what you imagined? ?

Yu Yuanyuan covered herself with a quilt, and tucked in the place where the air leaked from the quilt, and fell asleep in a short while.

She didn't even take a nap today, she was already sleepy!
This little ball fell asleep, and Yu Yingze was left alone to face these big and three thick men... It felt like the whole world was quieter and more terrifying!

(End of this chapter)

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