The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1251 Two Little Lucky Stars

Chapter 1251 Two Little Lucky Stars

Yu Yingze touched the cards with trepidation, every time he played the cards he thought carefully and played very carefully.

He is a business without capital, and what he loses and wins is the money of the man with the scar.

The man with the scar who went out to urinate and came back simply sat where Yu Yingze had been sitting, and changed from a card player to a spectator.

I don't think too much about playing poker by myself, but I can learn a lot from watching others play poker.

This kid doesn't look very old, but he is very smart, and he can even figure out what cards are in other people's hands.

After fighting like this for more than an hour, it was completely dark outside, and Yu Yingze helped the scarred man from the biggest loser to the biggest winner.

Three people laughed before, but now only Scarface is left smiling.

"Huh? Brother, you are playing magic horse!" Yu Yuanyuan's voice sounded from behind, "Playing cards! Yuanyuan is coming too!"

"You can also fight?" The black hat glanced at the three-year-old little Douding.

what's the situation?
Isn't the Yu family in business?Why sons and daughters are like gods of gambling.

"Yuanyuan can't, but Yuanyuan can see~" Yu Yuanyuan dispelled the doubts of the black hat with one sentence.

Oh, it turned out to be just the children's curiosity.

Of course, Yu Yuanyuan ran to watch Yu Yingze play cards, and she put her head on the second brother's shoulder, and hooked her claws around his neck to watch.

The addition of Little Lucky Star is a big deal, Yu Yingze feels that his cards are too big...

In just five rounds, he almost wiped out all the money on the table of those killers, and even began to verbally owe debts.

Every time, his cards were so good that the three killers still suspected that he was cheating.

Yu Yingze asked them to divide the cards before giving them to him, but the cards were still the same.

Could it be... is that little Douding reporting in secret?

The black hat glanced at Yu Yuanyuan, and suddenly grabbed her: "You stand here."

Yu Yuanyuan, who didn't know why, nodded stupidly: "Oh~"

Just as Yu Yuanyuan stood beside him, the black hat's hand was surprisingly good.

With her hands behind her back, her small body was crooked to join in the fun, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't understand, but she still watched with relish.

In the last hand, the black hat didn't know which card to play first, he hesitated for a long time and couldn't make a decision, so he simply gave the choice to the little boy beside him.

"Kid, you choose one."

"Is it going to be thrown out?"


"Then choose one~" Yu Yuanyuan stretched out her small claws a little, and immediately retracted her hands carefully.

Although these people didn't hurt her, Yu Yuanyuan knew that they were bad people, so she had to be careful with what she said and how she acted.

The black hat threw out the cards that Yu Yuanyuan had chosen, but no one wanted them.

"Ha, I won!" The black hat clapped his hands excitedly, and pinched Yu Yuanyuan's face again, "Little friend, you are really lucky."

"Hehehe~" Knowing that this was a compliment to herself, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing foolishly.

After tasting a little bit of sweetness, whenever the black hat is not sure, it will ask Yu Yuanyuan to help her choose the card to play.

Even if some choices seem outrageous, they are the only correct answer.

The black hat who had lost to debts, won a lot back thanks to Yu Yuanyuan's "good luck".

In the end, the only losers are the man in leather and the flat head.

"What's going on? How come the two of us lost?" Another tragic result, the man in leather threw the cards in his hand on the wooden box, "You two are guarding two lucky stars, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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