The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1252 Fear is useless, be brave

Chapter 1252 Fear is useless, be brave
The two big losers were extremely depressed, and even the eyes of the two children changed.

Yu Yingze secretly thought that something was wrong, immediately stammered and retracted his hand, leading Yu Yuanyuan back into the corner.

Xiao Zai Zai, who completely forgot to read the air, was still blinking in confusion.

Look left, look right, as if I don't understand why my brother wants to pull me away.

"By the way, that little brat just stabbed my foot with that thing," Leather Yi fiercely began to settle the old score, "Shouldn't it be settled?"

Scarface blocked Yu Yingze from behind, and he and the black hat lay in the middle of the road.

"The two children can't move. The employer said that if there is any accident, we won't get a penny!"

The leather jacket spat, cursed and went to smoke outside the warehouse to breathe.

"Okay, you two go to sleep!" The black hat waved his hand, he had the momentum to dominate the whole situation, and the others didn't dare to say more.

Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Yingze held hands and walked to the small bed made of boxes and sat down.

This quilt has a faint musty smell, and the surroundings are quiet, and there are several killers staring at it, how can I sleep!
Yu Yingze felt that his eyes were staring like copper bells.

Can Yuanyuan fall asleep?I'm afraid it's also...

"Susu, you should wash and brush before going to bed~" Yu Yuanyuan sat on the box and made a nervous suggestion that made Yu Yingze's heart skip a beat, "There is no toothbrush, no towel, and no basin..."

Several pairs of gazes swept over at the same time, making Yu Yingze's heart skip a beat.

Does this little cub know what kidnapping is?

Not tourism!

What else does she want?

Just now, the other two looked like they wanted to tear them apart, and Yu Yingze was frightened just looking at them, worried that even breathing too loudly would offend them.

This little Douding is so good, he dared to make a request! !
It looks like a small lump, why is it so courageous?

"There are no such things." The black hat replied coldly.

What about vacation?Also want toiletries!
They are hostages, and hostages should be honest and make less demands.

"Ah, that's great~" Xiao Zai Zai lowered his head in disappointment, he didn't cry, he didn't make trouble, and he didn't lose his temper.

The cute little round ball was sitting on the box, and the eye sockets seemed to have a kind of wet light, and the pitiful and timid little eyes seemed to be able to easily cut away any coldness and hardness.

The black hat stared at the little ball for a while, then added coldly: "I don't have any today, I'll buy them for you tomorrow."

"Aw~Okay~Thank you Susu~"

Received a satisfactory response, Xiao Zai Zai happily burrowed into the quilt, covering himself round and round with the clothes closed.

Yu Yingze had no choice but to squeeze and lie on the outside.

Those killers were talking quietly in the corner, and they didn't know what conspiracy they were discussing.

Yu Yingze stared at the unbelievably high ceiling, feeling uneasy in a trance: "They said they will buy it for you tomorrow, which means we won't be able to go back tomorrow, maybe for many days!"

"They're wearing bad silver," Xiao Zaizai huddled on the edge of the quilt, whispering softly, "Bad silver won't just let us go."

"Then aren't you afraid?" Yu Yingze asked in surprise.

"Actually, I'm a little scared, but it's useless to be afraid, you have to be brave!" Nai Hu Hu's voice was full of fighting spirit, and her little claws clenched into fists.

The little guy who obviously looks so weak, as if he would break if he squeezed it, is actually so strong.

Yu Yingze, as an elder brother a little older than her, suddenly felt a little ashamed.

He must protect his sister!
He is a brother!

(End of this chapter)

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