The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1259 Definitely Not Now

Yu Yingze glanced behind his eyes from the corner of his eye.

Although those bad guys didn't stop them from coming out, they had been watching them secretly.

Even without looking at it with eyes, Yu Yingze could feel as if he was being watched by a few terrifying beasts from behind, and the terrifying eyes seemed to turn into something real, stabbing his back stiffly and stingingly.

If he escaped at this time and was arrested, his treatment would be turned upside down immediately.

Yu Yingze guessed that this was a kind of temptation.

He lowered his head and swept over Yu Yuanyuan's short legs, and sighed helplessly: "No, I can't run, it's easy to be caught back."

"Okay~" Xiao Zai Zai sighed in disappointment, and continued to brush his teeth.

With Yu Yuanyuan's speed, it is estimated that he can't run very far before being knocked over by a bullet.

Too dangerous, no, no risk!

Even if you want to run, it's definitely not now.

"Wow, it's Shenmu~" The little cub, who was thinking about running away one second, had come to the table in the next second, trying to put his head on the table, trying to see the contents of breakfast clearly.

The two children honestly brushed their teeth and went back, and the eyes that looked at them from that room became much gentler.

"Eat this, drink this."

It was indeed a trial.

The man in the leather coat originally wanted to tie Xiao Zai Zai's hair, but she was afraid that her hair would be ripped off, so she ran around with her head in her arms, and said nothing.

It was the first time to kidnap and do something that was not professional, and it was really easy to meet such two worry-free children.

Yu Yuanyuan successfully got the breakfast, and the cook started to eat after receiving the food. He would eat everything he got, and he was not picky at all.

If they ran away impulsively just now, they would probably be two corpses lying on the ground now.

Several adults moved her two chairs and asked her and Yu Yingze to sit side by side with them.

"Don't be afraid, eat this candy, and when you can play cards, you will stand next to me. If I win, I will buy you two lunch boxes at noon!" The man in leather patted his heart and promised in a low voice, "How is it?"

After breakfast, Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Yingze sat upright on the sleeping box, bored like two small statues.

If her fur fell out, she would not recognize him when she plucked her when she got home!

It seemed that after the temptation just now, this group of people finally agreed that they got along with each other on an equal footing.

"Emmm..." Yu Yuanyuan rarely picked it up, but blinked her eyes carefully, her heart full of contradictions.

"Bored?" The man in the leather jacket gave up on tying his hair, and instead took out a lollipop from his pocket, "I'll give you a candy."

The table was full of food, and now Yu Yuanyuan no longer felt depressed about "aborted escape plan", and looked at each piece of food side by side with bright eyes.

I want to eat Tangtang, but the Tangtang given by the bad guys will be poisoned?

"Okay!" After taking the lollipop without hesitation, Yu Yuanyuan tore off the wrapping paper and started babbling.

Two... two lunch boxes!
Yu Yuanyuan's eyes widened.

At this moment, the flat-headed man not far away also waved to her, and motioned for Xiao Zai Zai to go over with a cold face.

The little guy eating the lollipop moved nearby, and asked weakly, "Is there... what's the matter?"

"When you can play cards, you stand next to me."

"But I promised Hot Susu," Yu Yuanyuan emphasized in a low voice, and raised her finger, "Spicy Susu said that if he wins money, he will buy two lunch boxes for Yuanyuan!"

"Then I'll give you two lunch boxes, plus a bottle of drink," the flat-headed man showed even greater temptation, "How about it?"

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