The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1260 I'm afraid I won't survive

Chapter 1260 I'm afraid I won't survive

"Wow—" Yu Yuanyuan's mouth widened while eating the lollipop.

Two boxes of lunch and one more bottle of drink seems to be a better condition.

However, these crisps are all bad money. If she agrees to this and doesn't agree to that, will her little head be pulled out?

When Yu Yuanyuan was struggling, three men had already surrounded him, and they called the flat-headed man to play cards in an impatient tone.

The employer has not shown up for a long time, and all they have to do is wait, wait for instructions, and wait for arrangements.

Besides, time is for them to kill, otherwise they will just die of boredom.

The man with the scar had already called Yu Yingze over immediately, and Yu Yuanyuan followed behind the man with the short hair, with a complicated and funny expression on his little face.

"Little friend, what are you doing there? Come and sit here." The man in leather patted the small bench beside him.

Before Yu Yuanyuan could speak hastily, the flat-haired man immediately interrupted him: "Yuanyuan promised to sit next to me, so don't waste your saliva."

"Yuanyuan..." Yu Yingze's voice was trembling, "I just heard them calling and discussing..."

The black hat glared at the man in leather and the man with the flat head, and said, "Is it fair to let this little bean take turns sitting for an hour?"

After eating, Yu Yuanyuan took a nap comfortably again, and when she was woken up, it was already time for dinner.

Yu Yingze sat on the box, as if his soul had been taken away, he stopped playing cards, his hands and feet were shaking.

Although it is said that they play cards for entertainment, none of them are poor people, and the wins and losses in each game are not small. Seeing the money rushing out, how can they be indifferent in their hearts.

The crew-cut man and the leather-clothed man did not dare to have too many opinions in front of the black hat.

"That's fine too."

The man with the scar who had won a lot yesterday, seeing Yu Yingze losing more and more, couldn't sit still.

The man in the leather jacket stood up in disbelief, pointing at the small body: "You ate my lollipop, how can you go back on your word?"

After hearing Yu Yingze's words, the man with the scar couldn't sit still anymore.

Yu Yingze wiped off his cold sweat: "My sister is very, very lucky," he said aggrievedly, "I rely on my ability."

Yu Yuanyuan, this little lucky pendant, took turns to attract money, and at noon, it managed to keep the balance of the battle.

Yu Yuanyuan held a lollipop and ate it slowly, like a little lucky charm, sitting next to different people in turn to suppress it.

At lunch, Xiao Zai Zai successfully ate two lunch boxes, a bottle of juice, a bag of snacks, and even two extra hair ties.

"Discussion? What's the deal? What's for dinner?" Those big eyes were shining with pure light.

"Come out... out of the ear is the god Ma Yixi?" Yu Yuanyuan couldn't understand, but she felt that the flat-headed Susu seemed a little angry.

"Second brother, what's the matter with you? Are you cold?" The little guy sat beside him and squeezed that cold hand.

"Forget it, it's nothing." Yu Yingze shook his head, hugged his knees and curled himself up.

Yu Yuanyuan's question successfully calmed down the tense atmosphere.

"What's the situation?" The man with the scar whispered next to Yu Yingze's ear.

When the bad guy loses his temper, he looks particularly fierce and frightening.

It's just a kid, and they're acting like they're robbing some treasure here, isn't that a shame?

Yu Yuanyuan stared blankly at Yu Yingze for a while, thinking that he was not feeling well, and immediately stood up to find water in a sensible way.

But as soon as she approached the small wooden table over there, she heard two tall figures standing in the corner talking.

"You said... If the matter is over, will these two brats still be alive?"

"I don't know, but I'm afraid I won't survive."

(End of this chapter)

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