The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1263 What are you running for?

Chapter 1263 What are you running for?
But just after shouting "yes" in his heart, Yu Yingze realized that something was wrong: "no!!"

The man didn't faint at all, he supported his body with his elbows at a very fast speed, kicked back with his legs, and kicked Yu Yingze, who was hugging his feet, flying away.

Fortunately, the man in leather was lying on the ground, and he didn't use much strength to kick back, otherwise Yu Yingze's ribs would be broken.

With just one kick, he was moaning and moaning in pain, and he couldn't even call out the command "run".

The world was spinning, as if it was about to collapse and suppress him, Yu Yingze clutched his chest and almost cried.

"Where do you want to run?"

Accompanied by another voice, the black hat who went out to buy dinner happened to come back, grabbed Yu Yuanyuan who had run away and twisted the hat.

Yu Yuanyuan: "Oh."

She twirled silently in the black hat's hand, and took the opportunity to glance in the direction of her second brother.

Ah duck, why is the second brother lying on the ground!
His expression also looked so painful, could it be that he was injured? !

"That's right!" Yu Yuanyuan also frantically moved her little head, "Second brother's feet are still tied, how can it be considered as running away?"

After all, she got angry, and sat down on the box with her arms crossed.

Before deciding to implement this plan, Yu Yingze thought about how to explain the failure. Dad said that no matter what happens, different results must be considered.

"Oh? Then why are you running?"

Yu Yuanyuan shrank her neck, thinking about the reason, when Yu Yingze suddenly spoke.

Sitting helplessly, he just watched Yu Yuanyuan being brought back. The black hat picked her up as if he was picking up a stray cat from the wild.

In the next second, her suspended body moved forward step by step, and slowly returned to Yu Yingze's side.

The second elder brother looks so painful, if he can't fool them, they will be miserable tonight.

"Really? Then why did your brother hug my leg on purpose?" the man in leather asked cursingly.

"We didn't run away!" Yu Yuanyuan, who was overly nervous, stammered and retorted, refusing to admit that she and her second brother had a plan.

"Second Brother~Second Brother~" Yu Yuanyuan immediately waved her claws and struggled, wanting to check on Yu Yingze's situation.

Yu Yingze clutched his chest and sat on the ground unable to move. He had never been in such pain even when fighting with others at school.

"I told you, don't try to escape," the black hat put Yu Yuanyuan back on the ground, his voice was cold and intimidating, "I thought you were very obedient, but it seems..."

"Yuanyuan wants to fuck, and she's looking for a suitable hole~" Yu Yuanyuan replied with a straight neck, although she was afraid.

She has to make those fake things come true, she has to be as powerful as Ma Ma, and she can fool these bad guys!

"I also want to get a tuba!" Yu Yingze replied loudly, "I can't walk with my feet, I can only jump, and I lost my balance while jumping! I didn't mean to hug your thigh!"

Yu Yingze's tone sounded so sincere that the four men were shaken.

Yu Yingze was suddenly glad that he didn't untie the rope before hugging the leather man's leg.

He knew that the man in the leather jacket had a knife on his body, and he planned to use the knife on his body to cut the rope on his feet after the man in the leather jacket fell unconscious.

There was a sudden silence in the air.

The less those four people spoke, the greater the pressure on Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Yingze.

If they don't believe it, will they be tied up like dogs?Or... directly off the shark?
(End of this chapter)

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