The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1264 Has Been Reduced to Need the Help of a 3-Year-Old Child

Chapter 1264 Has Been Reduced to Need the Help of a Three-Year-Old Child
Several pairs of eyes stared straight at the two children.

Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Yingze huddled together, blinking their eyes timidly, the poor little eyes made it hard to bear to get angry.

Different eyes looked at each other secretly, and finally it seemed that they reached an agreement, and the black hat spoke in unison.

"Okay, I'll give you another chance. Don't challenge our patience any more."

Hearing the tone softened, Yu Yingze and Yu Yuanyuan didn't explain to themselves again, fearing that they might make too many mistakes.

The two small bodies leaned close to each other, and when the group of people walked a little further, Yu Yuanyuan patted his heart and exhaled a long breath.

"Second elder brother, scare Yuanyuan away!" The little head moved, with a few tufts of hair in a mess.

Yu Yingze rubbed his chin and frowned: "The plan failed, it seems that we should not think about escaping by ourselves, we should think of other ways."

"What other way?" Yu Yuanyuan blinked.

"I didn't expect it for the time being." Yu Yingze's eyes were hopeless and lifeless, and he lay down on the box behind him.

If it was my elder brother who was here today, and my elder brother is so smart, maybe he would really think of a good way?

In order to be heard by others, she used her breath, and Yu Yingze had to distinguish carefully for a long time before she understood what she was talking about.

"What? Mom was taken away by bad guys? What bad guys?" Yu Jinxiao was afraid that Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi would be worried, so he didn't tell them about it at all.

This is probably not an ordinary kidnapping.

But he is not an elder brother, and he is not even handy in his studies, so how could he compete with four vicious killers.

Knowing that his family had encountered such a difficult problem under such circumstances, Yu Yingze felt that the sky was about to collapse.

"What smell?" Yu Yingze felt that this topic did not seem to bring them hope.

He was actually counting on his three-year-old sister to figure out a way!
"However, Mama was taken away by the bad guys before, and Baba hasn't found it yet." Yu Yuanyuan sighed, resting his chin with his hands and continuing to be in a daze.

But after staying for less than two seconds, she was woken up by Yu Yingze.

"Yuanyuan seems to smell numbness!" The little head moved close to the ear of the second elder brother, and said word by word, "But just now, Yuanyuan didn't have time to make sure."

"Second brother, when Yuanyuan was outside, she seemed to smell something!" Yu Yuanyuan squeezed to Yu Yingze's side, and said mysteriously.

His mother had an accident, and he and Yuanyuan were also taken away...

I thought that little brain could come up with something to solve the problem, but now Yu Yingze realizes how ridiculous he is.

"Did you smell it wrong? How could mom be here?"

"It seems to be a bad thing that Yuyu Octopus did." Yu Yuanyuan tried hard to explain what she knew, and suddenly thought of Yu Jinxiao's advice, "Ah, Baba said that you can't tell your elder brother and second elder brother!"

"Why??" Not telling them, but telling a three-year-old little Douding?

"Baba said he didn't want you to worry~~" Yu Yuanyuan shook her head and replied with a guilty conscience.

Now... If you tell the second brother, there seems to be no problem, right?
Anyway, they were all captured by the bad guys!
"Then how did you know this?" Yu Yingze still couldn't believe it, could it be that what Yu Yuanyuan said was not the actual situation, but something she misunderstood?
"Hehehe, because Yuanyuan is Baba's little assistant~little spy~little knight~little agent~" Yu Yuanyuan described it in a babble, making Yu Yingze unbelievable.

What? !Is dad reduced to the point where he needs help from a three-year-old?
(End of this chapter)

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