The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1265 Someone else came here?

Chapter 1265 Someone else came here?

It's over. Could it be that even Dad can't handle the troubles he encountered this time?

Thinking that Ba Ba would "join forces" with Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Yingze seemed to hear the sky above his head collapse in an instant.

However, Yu Yuanyuan and him are not on the same channel at all, and they continue to struggle with the "numb taste" after they are proud.

"Couldn't Mama be nearby?" He continued to sniff his nose hard, his little face crumpled into a crumpled piece of paper, "But the smell of Jieli is too much, and Yuanyuan can't smell it very clearly. Just go somewhere farther outside."

Yu Yingze was frowning all by himself, when he suddenly heard Xiao Zai Zai's words, he instantly woke up and pulled her back.

"Yuanyuan, you can't go out now. If they catch you, they will kill us!" As if afraid that the little boy would not know the seriousness of the matter, Yu Yingze pulled him back, wrapping his arms around the chubby girl. body.

Accidentally rubbed his dirty chin on that messy little head.

"Yeah, Yuanyuan won't be rough," Yu Yuanyuan shrinks her neck, "but... Yuanyuan is hungry."

The four men stood at the door of the warehouse, as if deliberately avoiding the four children, discussing something with solemn expressions.

Except that Yu Yuanyuan still has the appetite to eat something, when Yu Yingze thinks of their situation, it is difficult to eat calmly.

He can't even protect Yuanyuan, and he can't save them. Is he really going to wait here for his father to rescue them?
But, mom also had an accident, dad must be very busy, will...will he be in time?

"Bajibaji," Yu Yuanyuan said as usual, even though many things happened, but did not delay cooking, "Second brother, the dinner is going to be cold!"

Everyone saw it but didn't say it, Yu Yingze immediately shared half of his boxed lunch.

After cleaning up the lunch box, Yu Yuanyuan patted her stomach in satisfaction, and immediately lay down on the box to take a nap.

While they were discussing, they were also looking in the direction of Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Yingze, the eyes full of meaning really frightened the two children.

You have been looking at other people's box lunches for a long time, and you have worked so hard for this opportunity!

"Come over later?"

"Ah," Xiao Zai Zai pretended to sigh, and then said, "Do you need Yuan Yuan to help you eat?"

Well... it seems to make sense!
Yu Yingze suddenly envied Yu Zaizai's optimistic personality.

The four men next door wanted to laugh.

"I don't know for now."

Countless questions filled Yu Yingze's mind, which made him lose his appetite at all.

At this time, Yu Yuanyuan was already sleepy, and she couldn't even speak clearly: "It must be as easy as killing a fish for them to get a shark kid, even if we don't sleep, we may be killed! Then why don't we sleep? "

Yu Yuanyuan, who was so hungry, finally waited for lunch, but today's treatment was obviously not as good as before, only a box of bland lunch.

"I have no appetite."

"Well, come this afternoon."

"Then what will happen to these two children in the end?"

Today, he and Yu Yuanyuan are not qualified to choose the taste and portion, so it is not bad to keep this life.

Seeing this, Yu Yingze rushed forward to stop him: "Yuanyuan, you can't sleep! What if they kill us while we're asleep!"

Even if death is imminent, I can still eat and sleep as usual, as if I am not worried at all.

But he really didn't feel sleepy, but he was afraid that others would hurt Yu Yuanyuan, so he could only lie down under the quilt with her.

You can't let Yuanyuan out of your sight!
At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Yingze closed his eyes and rested his mind when he heard a strange voice from the warehouse.

It wasn't one of the four killers before, someone else came here?

(End of this chapter)

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