The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1269 Only You Can Live

Chapter 1269 Only You Can Live
Being able to quarrel with a three-year-old child in full swing, it seems that Yi Yuzhang is not a smart person.

Finally, Yi Yuzhang gradually regained his senses and could no longer be led astray by Yu Yuanyuan!

He adjusted his breathing, took a few deep breaths in a row, and his face returned to the previous calm smile.

"I won't quarrel with you. Even if you win the quarrel, the initiative is still in my hands." Yi Yuzhang's tense shoulders gradually relaxed, "The final decision on who to keep is up to me, and you can't change anything .”

Yu Yuanyuan didn't believe that Baba would abandon her.

However, a bad fish and octopus may really lose it!

The man in front of him radiated a terrifying aura of a big devil, and even his smile was particularly distorted.

Cub Zai was so frightened that he crouched down and accidentally sat on the ground.

Seeing this, Yu Yingze hurried forward to hug the cub.

His appearance immediately attracted Yi Yuzhang's attention.

die? ?

"I told you, your father has already made a choice," Yi Yuzhang folded his arms and said, "You can leave with me now, and you can go home!"

Seeing the bloodless hand like a devil's claw approaching, Yu Yingze dodged subconsciously, and continued to hug the cub in his arms tightly.

"You are Yingze, right?" Yi Yuzhang's tone seemed to have lost all hostility, at least when talking to him, he was more like a normal person than when talking to Yu Yuanyuan.

"Don't cheer yet," Yi Yuzhang stopped Xiao Zai Zai, "I'm talking about your second brother can go, not including you Yu Yuanyuan."

Will Yuanyuan die?

Yu Yingze looked at the little head in his arms in disbelief, trembling all over.

"Don't waste time, if you don't want to die instead of Yu Yuanyuan, just follow me." After saying that, Yi Yuzhang was going to grab Yu Yingze's wrist.

"Jiangzi." After understanding the conditions, Yu Yuanyuan lowered her head depressedly, like a drooping little flower, pitiful.

Come back home?

They were used to seeing all kinds of people, and they knew Yi Yuzhang was scaring the children when they saw Yi Yuzhang's expression.

They also didn't understand how Yi Yuzhang could be so determined to scare this little boy.

"Wow, that's great~" Xiao Qiuqiu, who had fallen to the ground, struggled to get up and cheered.

"But, what about Yuanyuan? Will you hurt her?" Yu Yingze didn't get up immediately, and gently wrapped his arms around the little ball in his arms.

"I said, only you can live, your father chose Yu Yuanyuan to die."

As soon as he heard that he could leave, Yu Yingze immediately took Yu Yuanyuan's hand and said excitedly, "Yuanyuan, did you hear that? We can go home now!"

Yu Yingze nodded in doubt, but did not make a sound.

But for children of Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Yingze's age, the crisis they are facing is more real than Pearl!
"What? Can't Yuanyuan go home with me?" Yu Yingze's smile froze on his face, and his movements became unnatural.

Seeing this small appearance, the four killers eating melons on the side were a little moved with compassion.

The optimistic and cheerful little guy who was fearless before was trembling slightly in his arms.

Yi Yuzhang's eyes were dark and terrifying, and he looked down at him coldly from a height: "If you don't want to die, follow me."

"Second brother, let's go!" Xiao Douding in his arms wriggled out of his head, "You can become rich! Hurry up! If you go back, Baba will be very happy! It's better than us all being imprisoned." Strong here!"


"Let's go, second brother!" Xiao Zaizai pushed him in Yi Yuzhang's direction, and Yi Yuzhang successfully grabbed Yu Yingze's wrist.

"Okay, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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