The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1270 Let go of me!let go!

Chapter 1270 Let go of me!let go!

Yu Yingze originally wanted to break free, but Yi Yuzhang's strength was great, and the fear of death in his heart also hindered his pace, so he didn't really make up his mind to turn back.

Will this be his only chance to get out of here?

But as soon as he left, Yuanyuan was left alone here.

There are only four weird killers here, they look very fierce, but they really know how to kill!

If you leave her here alone, will you be afraid at night?
And at night, the warehouse was dark and quiet, even his older friend was a little scared, Yuanyuan was only three years old, if no one was with her, she would be even more scared.

The footsteps are getting farther and farther away from the small ball.

Yu Yingze could even hear the birds chirping outside.

He has been locked in the warehouse for so long, and he has almost forgotten what anger in the outside world is like.

The moment he came to the warehouse door, he suddenly felt the breath of the outside world waving towards him!
The day without fear is beckoning to him!
However, only he can experience the hard-won beauty.

"Let go of me! Let go!"

The motionless little figure stood upright, his eyes fixed on the exit, and he never cried or begged Yu Yingze to take him away from the beginning to the end.

It seemed that he was afraid that his second brother would be sad if he cried out, so he tried his best to be strong until the last second.

Yu Yingze couldn't understand, he just felt that the man beside him seemed to be going crazy, and the palm that was holding his wrist was getting stronger and stronger, as if it wanted to crush him.

But, will he never see that little ball again from today?
Yu Yuanyuan stood among a group of adults, her nose trembled, her eyes were red, but she still tried her best not to cry.

His eyes were red, and he bit his lip firmly. He took a last look at the exit that was close at hand, and ran back into the warehouse without hesitation.

As if something exploded in his heart, Yu Yingze struggled to pull his hand from under Yi Yuzhang's palm like crazy.

The small eyes that seemed to accept fate were like sharp thorns, piercing Yu Yingze's heart with blood.

Yu Yingze had already been dragged to the door.

That kind of horror is not how ruthless his methods are, but that he seems to be entangled with a miasma that cannot be shaken off, and the breath exuding from his body is close to madness, no different from a seemingly gentle lunatic.

Surrounded by such horror at close range, Yu Yingze truly felt how terrifying this person was.

He kept turning his head, and every time he turned his head, the small ball in his sight became smaller and smaller.

In the past at home, as long as he wanted to, he would open the door and call out, and that little ball would come jolting over and call him "Second Brother" sweetly.

Yi Yuzhang sneered: "I'm not short of money, and I won't ask Yu Jinxiao for money. What I want, he pays the price from the beginning to the end! Let him experience everything my father suffered back then!"

"Can you...can you let Yuanyuan go?" Yu Yingze couldn't help asking, "If you need money, my father has it. He can give you a lot, as long as you let Yuanyuan go..."

"Round round!"

"Second brother~" Yu Yuanyuan, who had been pretending to be strong, couldn't hold back anymore, and ran over crying.

The two children embraced tightly, and Yu Yingze broke down in tears.

"I won't go, I want to stay with Yuanyuan!" Every word came out firmly, Yu Yingze put his mouth next to Xiao Zai Zai's ear, and lowered the volume, "Daddy will come to save us, I will Believe in Dad! Dad will not leave us alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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