The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1279 Yes, young master!

The car was driving on the city road, the bustle around seemed to have nothing to do with Shen Ji.

Uncle Lin, who had been quiet in the front row for a long time, couldn't help but said: "Young master, this matter...should I talk to my husband?"

"Uncle Lin, we're just looking for someone, not taking risks." After a pause, Shen Ji added deliberately, "At least, we won't let you take risks."

Uncle Lin sighed and continued to drive: "That's not what I mean, I'm just worried that you will be in danger, young master, and finally reunited with your husband. If something happens...hey, how can I take this responsibility!"

"It's okay." Shen Ji's voice was flat, as if he didn't care about the possible troubles in this matter.

Even if someone hurt his hand or cut his palm, as long as the matter was related to Yuanyuan, Shen Ji never flinched.


In the quiet car, Shen Ji's phone call broke the dead silence.

As soon as he connected, Shen Juya's irritable voice came out before he could put it to his ear.

"Shen Ji, why are you meddling with Yu's family again? Go home immediately!"

Uncle Lin felt cold all over, nodded almost instinctively, and immediately turned his attention to driving.

Moreover, since the young master returned home, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Mr. Shen loves the young master very much.

After finally recognizing the son who came home, now he wants to take risks for someone else's daughter!
In fact, Shen Zhuoya had heard about what happened to Yu Jinxiao, and it was not impossible for him to inquire about other people's secrets.

"Ah... yes, young master!"

Hearing the roar beside his ear, Shen Ji replied calmly: "Yuanyuan was kidnapped."

"Uncle Lin, you should drive carefully when driving, and you should not play with your mobile phone."

Shen Zhuoya completely lost his usual hypocrisy and politeness in front of others, and became irritable like a roaring lion.

But, he really didn't want his only child involved!
"Shen Ji, come back to me immediately!"

"I said, I won't come back. If you can only say this sentence, I'll hang up. Goodbye." Hanging up the phone in a calm tone, Shen Ji turned the phone to silent.

"She was kidnapped, what does it matter to you? Do you want your life?" Shen Zhuoya paced back and forth anxiously on the other end of the phone, "You'll be right back! I don't believe Yu Jinxiao didn't send someone to take care of this."

He was really dying.

Uncle Lin was about to connect, when Shen Ji stretched out his palm from behind and hung up Shen Juya's call.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world.

The salary was paid by Mr. Shen. It stands to reason that he shouldn't just listen to the young master alone, but the young master's aura is very unusual, and his tone seems to have a magical power that cannot be questioned or disobeyed.

On the other hand, Shen Juya was so excited that he rushed to his heart, almost spurting blood.

Shen Zhuoya didn't even answer a few calls, so the call went to Uncle Lin again.

"I won't come back, something happened to Yuanyuan, I won't just sit and wait for the result." Shen Ji would refute Shen Juya with every word, but he wouldn't hang up his phone emotionally.

If she offended him, she might not be able to get along in the Shen family in the future.

Drive from the urban area to a remote suburban factory near Jiangcheng.

Shen Ji checked their location in the mobile phone navigation, and suddenly raised his head to signal: "Uncle Lin, stop here temporarily and turn off the lights."

"Yes!" Uncle Lin followed suit one by one.

Shen Ji got out of the car, adjusted the drone he brought, and then controlled it to take off.

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