The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1280 Shen Ji recognized Yuanyuan at a glance

Chapter 1280 Shen Ji recognized Yuanyuan at a glance

In the car, Shen Juya called many times, but Shen Ji's cell phone was left in the back seat, and no one answered it at all.

After a long time, Uncle Lin received another call from Shen Zhuoya.

"Mr. Shen..."

"Where are you?"

"In a somewhat remote place."

"..." Shen Juya pinched the bridge of his nose tiredly on the other end of the phone, "Send me your location, immediately, immediately!"

"Yes Yes."

Even Shen Zhuoya made such a direct request, how could Uncle Lin dare to refuse.

Shen Ji, who was concentrating on operating the drone, had actually heard the commotion in the car long ago.

The warehouse was closed, and the lower windows were covered with something, so the light did not come through, and only when it was close to the crack of the door could there be light inside.

The ground was covered with dried mud, and Shen Ji quickly found the pile of rubbish.

Shen Ji recalled the drone, put it in the back seat of the car, and took a look at the mobile phone placed in the back seat.

All of the dozen or so phone calls were from Shen Zhuoya.

Because each bag of garbage is packed roughly, the lunch box is squeezed in, the handle is fastened, and it is just thrown in this corner.

Does anyone still live here?
Looking at the number of lunch boxes thrown here, Shen Ji guessed that there were at least 4-7 people here.

The drone rose from a low place. Shen Ji originally wanted to let it get closer to the surrounding factory buildings, but accidentally bumped into the metal debris piled up next to it.

Shen Ji walked lightly, and followed the footprints to the door of a closed warehouse.

In the video screen, the image quality is clear. Shen Ji first used the height advantage to understand some surrounding situations, and then locked on the place he suspected most and approached for inspection.

He did not stop, but continued to concentrate on operating the drone to check the surrounding situation.

Controlling the drone to lower and approach, in the video screen, the pile of takeaway boxes looks very clean, it doesn't look like it was thrown here a long time ago.

No wonder I didn't find it when I used the drone just now.

The soup, soup, water and residue in the pocket are not moldy and spoiled, so they should have been thrown here in the past two days.

There was also a series of inconspicuous footprints on the muddy floor. It could be seen that the person who threw out the garbage was tall and strong.

Isn't this an abandoned factory building?

The machine has never been so flexible, and after such a long time of consumption, the drone has issued a low battery alarm.

Flying and flying, he suddenly found that there were a dozen takeaway boxes on a pile of ruins.

There are countless factories and warehouses here, densely packed, like cardboard boxes discarded at the garbage station.

"I'm just looking around. If there is any danger, I will call you. I can also run away. It's okay." Shen Ji comforted Uncle Lin, and without hesitation, he held his phone and walked towards the place where the drone found the clue. .

Shen Ji lowered the angle of the drone and began to observe the situation on the ground.

After observing each pocket, Shen Ji determined from the number of lunch boxes that there were quite a few people eating here, and they stayed for more than a day.

The sky was already dark, and the pure black drone was flying in mid-air, almost invisible.

There are many abandoned warehouses and open spaces in this area. It is easy for Tibetans. If you are not careful, you may miss key clues.

"What?!" Uncle Lin became anxious when he heard this, "Young Master, it's very dangerous for you to go alone."

He reached out and touched it, and one of the bags was still slightly warm, as if it had just been thrown out by someone.

He ignored the name, deleted all the alarm clocks in the phone, reminded, and came to the cab.

"Uncle Lin, I want to go ahead and have a look, you wait for me here."

Shen Ji was not in a hurry to pick the door, he walked around the warehouse and found a row of stairs that could lead directly to the second floor of the warehouse.

The window on the second floor also seemed to be taped, but there was a small hole, maybe he could see in from there.

The stairs are made of metal, Shen Ji took off his shoes and held them in his hands, walked lightly to the platform on the second floor, and put his eyes on the small hole no bigger than a fingernail.

I saw that the warehouse was brightly lit, and there were rows of wooden boxes on the first floor, with two small figures snuggling on top of them!

Shen Ji recognized Yuanyuan at a glance!
(End of this chapter)

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