The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1281 A smear of bright blood flowed out

Chapter 1281 A smear of bright blood flowed out
The little round head was in a mess, and the down jacket was also dirty, with obvious stains on it.

She sat with Yu Yingze, neither crying nor fussing, that poor little appearance made Shen Ji feel very distressed.

After being arrested by the bad guys for so many days, she must have been terrified!
Shen Ji immediately took out his mobile phone, shared the exact location with Yu Jinxiao, and after dialing the phone, he heard Yu Jinxiao connected before hanging up immediately.

He couldn't make a sound, the warehouses were probably well-trained killers, and they had to be absolutely safe.

After sharing the location, Shen Ji sent another message emphasizing, don't call, don't reply messages.

Then he deleted all the chat records and call records about Yu Jinxiao on his side.

Only the last call record was left: Shen Zhuoya.

Shen Ji originally noted the word "Shen", neither his father nor his full name.

But when deleting the record, he immediately changed the note to his full name.

After getting ready, Shen Ji slowly walked sideways down the stairs.

"How did you find it here?"

This voice... Shen Ji swears that he heard it!

Terrible force came from behind and knocked him down to the ground.

Shen Ji was about to take the opportunity to escape, but he didn't expect that just a few steps away, his clothes were pulled by an irresistible force.

Shen Ji suddenly stepped back, and the strong wind kicked by his feet brushed past his head.

The icy temperature made the scarred man tremble. The child's hands were so cold, as if a knife had suddenly touched his skin.

His body turned around, and he finally saw the face of the man who made the shot.

Shen Ji couldn't turn his head back, only heard a cold voice behind him asking: "Who are you? What are you here for?"

The man is tall, estimated to be 1.9 meters tall, and his heavy winter coat makes him look even more aggressive.

The cold voice behind him didn't ask any more questions, Shen Ji felt his wrists were bound by something, and he was lifted up all of a sudden.

"In the past few days, I only need to get up together, and I take a taxi every day to find nearby remote places."

He remembered!
Before going to Mo Yanrui's villa to sneak attack Mo Yanrui, he also kidnapped Yuanyuan and the killer who scratched his right hand!
Shen Ji remembered this person's voice!

Quickly tearing off the glove on his left hand, Shen Ji took advantage of the moment when the man shouted, and slapped his wrist firmly with his palm.

Step by step, just as Shen Ji stepped on the mud, a foot flew out from the corner of the side wall and kicked towards his heart at a rapid speed.

If he hadn't prepared for the possible surprise attack, this kick would have knocked Shen Ji unconscious.

He was wearing a black hat, and his eyes were like the light of a dormant beast in the dark night.

Shen Ji didn't expect him to escape from this kind of person, but he didn't plan to catch him without a fight.

"I... I'm here to find Yu Yuanyuan." Shen Ji didn't lie, as long as he was turned over by this person, I believe he would recognize himself.

"There's someone here!" shouted from around the corner, followed by a man with a scar on his face.

It's okay if he doesn't get discovered, if someone finds out, his phone will definitely be checked by those people, clearing some records in advance can help him!

Seeing that Shen Ji wanted to escape, the scarred man ran after him, but just as he took a step, he stepped on a round stone, which made the scarred man stagger and fell to the ground.

"How to deal with this brat?" The man with the scar fell hard and got up from the ground, baring his teeth.

He never expected that his fall was related to Shen Ji's touch.

The black hat escorted Shen Ji to the warehouse door, and when he reached the door, there were a few clicks from above, and suddenly a ventilation fan hanging outside fell down.

Even with the hat on, a bright streak of blood dripped from under the brim of the black hat.

(End of this chapter)

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