The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1305 If I Tell You, I Used to Have a System

Chapter 1305 If I Tell You, I Used to Have a System
The moment the little paw touched Gao Zhou, there was a very strange feeling.

The painful wound seemed to be suddenly coated with magic medicine, and it became much more comfortable in an instant.

"Hey, it really doesn't hurt that much!" Gao Zhou immediately adjusted his sitting posture.

In Yu Jinxiao's opinion, Gao Zhou's acting skills are a bit too exaggerated, but it's okay to coax children.

After visiting Gaozhou, Yu Jinxiao took the children and He Yitong back home.

As soon as they stepped into Yu's house, they hugged one after another, their eyes were red, and they were too excited to speak.

Yu Jinxiao asked people to prepare a room for He Yitong. When Yu Mingxi heard this, his eyes were so happy that they turned into crescent moons.

"Mom, aren't you leaving?"

"Why should I leave?" He Yitong looked confused.

She had worked so hard to complete the task and get rid of the control of the system in order to reunite with the cubs and Da Heizi.

Now, mission accomplished and the bad guys caught!

Of course she wants to go home!
After hearing He Yitong's words, Aunt Chen smiled and winked at Sister Bei, and the two immediately went upstairs to clean up.

"Mama will accompany Yuanyuan in the intermediary from now on?" Yu Yuanyuan rushed forward to join in the fun.

He Yitong picked up the little guy and turned around twice: "Of course!"

Yu Jinxiao who was at the side vaguely felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Before, Yu Yuanyuan and He Yitong were considered to be getting along happily, but it seemed that they only got along well.

Why was she kidnapped? Once back, He Yitong's attitude towards Yu Yuanyuan seemed to have completely changed, as if... had very deep and natural feelings.

Yu Jinxiao was not in a hurry to ask them what happened during the kidnapping. He waited until Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Yingze were taken back to wash and He Yitong also went to the prepared guest room to take a shower before he hesitated to knock on the door.

"Come in." He Yitong changed into her pajamas and was wiping her wet hair.

Pushing open the door, Yu Jinxiao sat down keeping a certain distance, as if he didn't want to easily test the current relationship between him and He Yitong.

He Yitong, who was wiping her hair, paused, and asked in confusion, "Why are you sitting so far away? I'm not a leopard, so I won't eat you."

These words seem to be too much for Yu Jinxiao.

"You and Yu Yuanyuan seem to have a good relationship?"

"Nonsense, that's me." He Yitong now doesn't have to be forced to "act", and speaks more directly than before.

"Do you know Yuanyuan's identity?" Yu Jinxiao frowned.

"Ah? Does Zai Zai have any special status?" He Yitong couldn't understand these words, "Why do you speak so strangely?"

Yu Jinxiao: "I think your tone of voice is a bit weird."

For some reason, He Yitong suddenly threw away the towel in his hand, and moved to Yu Jinxiao's side mysteriously: "If I tell you that I used to have a system, would you believe it?"

"System?" Yu Jinxiao looked at her even more strangely, "Ios or Android?"

He Yitong: "..." I didn't expect you to be so humorous now, "Forget it, it's useless to say it."

"Yu Yuanyuan and I did a paternity test, and we may need to ask you to take a sample." Yu Jinxiao had already arranged everything, and he felt it necessary to clarify this matter with He Yitong.

"Why do you suddenly want to do a personal appraisal with Zai...Yuanyuan?" He Yitong blinked twice, "Do you suspect that she is...Xiaobao?"

Knowing a part of the plot, He Yitong instinctively substituted herself into the plot in the book.

In her heart, Yu Yuanyuan is her cub no matter whether there is this result or not, even if it is not in the book world, it will not have any influence.

But if Zai Zai is the real Zai Zai of the world in the book, wouldn't that be the best of both worlds!
(End of this chapter)

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