The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1306 You Live Here

Chapter 1306 You Live Here
"You heard what Ze said in the helicopter show today. I think there will be a result."

He Yitong has memories of being in the fairyland, so she has preconceived ideas and has always regarded Yuanyuan as her own.

It doesn't matter to her whether the world is in the book or not.

However, her family's big blackie lost the memory of the fairyland and replaced it with the memory of the book. It is understandable that he has a certain persistence to this result.

"Da da da..." There was a series of small footsteps in the corridor outside.

Yu Jinxiao's eyes rolled slightly: "Yu Yuanyuan is here."

The next second, the doorknob clicked a few times, and the little guy who was trying to open the door finally opened the door.

The little furry head squeezed in through the crack of the door.


A crisp and cute voice sounded at the door.

He Yitong was also stunned: "Yo, you haven't left yet."

"The matter has not been completely resolved, for your safety..." Yu Jinxiao first found a reason to let He Yitong stay, "You live here, and I will let someone here protect you."

Yu Jinxiao, who was sitting on the opposite sofa, silently watched this coherent operation, nothing but silence.

"Ah, Baba is also in Jieli!" Yu Yuanyuan suddenly realized, these words can really piss people off.

According to the plot, she didn't go back to Yu's house in the end because Yu Jinxiao died.

Of course He Yitong knew what kind of medicine was sold in Yu Jinxiao's gourd, but she was willing to drink this medicine: "Okay then."

"By the way, Yu Yuanyuan, Uncle Xie called earlier to say that you still have the last two episodes to record."

It's just that, so far in the plot, He Yitong is used to the plot of bitterness and hatred with him, and he really doesn't know how to cross the invisible barrier between the two of them.

The tone seemed embarrassed, but she was secretly happy in her heart.

"Did you wash the incense? Wow, it smells good, it smells good, it smells delicious!" He Yitong hugged Yu Yuanyuan, turning his head around her, making the little boy giggle.

"Mama, have you stayed in Jieli from now on?" Yu Yuanyuan hooked He Yitong's neck, her little head making her itch.

When did their relationship get so good?
Moreover, when He Yitong heard that Yuanyuan might be his own, he didn't seem very surprised or happy.

Yu Jinxiao: "..." It's quite amazing that a man like me can be ignored by you here.

"Duck! Yuanyuan has forgotten!"

He Yitong immediately opened his arms, and that small ball-like body rushed towards the bed, and was pulled into his arms by He Yitong.

Ever since she came to this world, she has been looking forward to the day when her family will be reunited!finally!

He Yitong didn't speak, but quietly glanced at Yu Jinxiao from the corner of her eye.

The mother and daughter played for a while before they felt that there was a different aura in the room.

But now she is fine, and she is no longer under the control of the system, isn't that...

Too many things have happened recently, Yu Yuanyuan has long forgotten about recording programs or not.

Just now, Xie Xin called again to confirm Yu Yuanyuan's situation.

Yu Jinxiao didn't want to make a fuss about the kidnapping of Da Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Yingze and He Yitong, rumors would definitely spread, but the only way to silence the rumors was to let Yu Yuanyuan record the show according to the schedule.

"I didn't tell anyone about your kidnapping." Yu Jinxiao put down his crossed legs, sat up straight, and the atmosphere became serious, "Don't tell others when you are recording."

(End of this chapter)

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