The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1314 She is looking at herself too

Chapter 1314 She is looking at herself too
What his son said woke up Yu Jinxiao.

For the first time, he seriously recalled the things that happened before.

Yuanyuan does have a lot of things that are different from ordinary people, and even saying it will make people feel incredible.

But does this mean that the "fairyland" she keeps mentioning really exists?
Is she really just... a little meow fairy?
Looking at that chubby and soft little body, doesn't he look like a little fairy?

Although Yu Jinxiao's rationality denied what Yu Yuanyuan said, he still couldn't help going through the things that happened before in his mind.

Extraordinary luck, especially being patted by her claws can win the lottery; you can tell the direction by smell and find the person you want...

These two points are incredible enough!

Is it...

Yu Jinxiao suddenly realized that he was actually led astray by the thinking of these children.

How could there be gods in the world?If it's superpowers...he didn't find anything unusual about Xiao Zai Zai either.

Yu Jinxiao's body was suddenly a little tired.

It was as if he had been carrying a huge burden on his back for several years, and now he finally arrived at the destination he had always wanted to go, and found the daughter he was looking for. The feeling of sudden relaxation took away his strength extremely strongly.

"Huh...huh..." The sound of the little pig humming came from the room.

Yu Jinxiao's heart moved slightly, and he patted his son's head: "It's okay."

Although the psychological activities in his heart became more and more complicated, Yu Jinxiao, who was used to hiding his emotions, looked calm as before.

"Father, are you a little tired? Take a rest, I'll take Yuanyuan back to the room." Yu Mingxi saw the extremely rare tiredness in Yu Jinxiao's eyes, and immediately guessed something.

Obviously, there is a living human cub in front of him, but Yu Jinxiao really hallucinated the shadow of a cat.

Yu Jinxiao turned his head and saw that Yu Yingze fell asleep lying on the carpet at some point.

"Hey hey hey~~" Yu Yuanyuan smirked happily, the corners of her eyes curled up more like a lucky cat.

This cute and cute appearance seems to have the ability to melt people's hearts, so Yu Jinxiao compromised immediately, and echoed with his little head: "Believe me, little meow fairy is very powerful!"

That happy little appearance is very much like a cat cub grabbing the trousers by the owner's leg and acting coquettishly.

Yu Yuanyuan smiled and pointed at the second elder brother: "Hahaha, the second elder brother has become Xiaoju~~"

But it didn't take more than 5 minutes to laugh at others, and Xiao Zai Zai also wriggled around Yu Yingze and curled up, sleeping soundly.

No one knew that his heart was being shaken.

"Baba~~Yuanyuan is really a little meow fairy~" Yu Yuanyuan hopped over, put her hands on his knees and hopped around.

Both He Yitong and Yu Mingxi knew that Yu Jinxiao didn't really believe it.

Yu Mingxi didn't force his father to believe, and changed the subject with a smile.

In particular, Yu Yuanyuan was wearing a fluffy white coat, and her bouncing appearance really looked like a fluffy cat.

The family was finally reunited, no matter how tired Yu Jinxiao was, he wished to spend more time with the children.

One was too lazy to argue for the result, and the other knew about Dad's temper, so he didn't explain much.

But this incident made Yu Jinxiao seriously think about the possibility of these unusual circumstances for the first time.

Yu Mingxi originally wanted to cover them with blankets, but seeing them sleeping so soundly, he suddenly felt very sleepy.

The three children fell asleep, but Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong were the only ones left awake in the huge living room.

The servants who usually make a fuss seem to have evaporated, and the surroundings are so quiet that there is no sound at all.

Yu Jinxiao subconsciously glanced at He Yitong, and found that she was also looking at him.

(End of this chapter)

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