The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1315 I thought it was the delicious food in my dream

Chapter 1315 I thought it was the delicious food in my dream

"..." Yu Jinxiao wanted to find something to talk about, but he was a little nervous. After quietly brewing for a long time, he said, "Xiaobao is back."

"I know, I was there all the time just now." He Yitong took it for granted, her eyes seemed to be questioning why he said something she knew clearly.

"What about you? Will you come back?" The atmosphere has reached this point, and Yu Jinxiao has no reason not to test her thoughts, "If you come back, the children must be very happy."

Of course He Yitong wanted to come back.

It's just that there are a lot of restrictions in the world in the book. Now that she and Yu Jinxiao have divorced, it doesn't mean that moving back to Yu's house will solve the problem.

Wonderland has entered a state of chaos, and they don't know when they will be able to return to the original state. They still have to continue living in this world.

To live here, there are too many things that cannot be ignored.

"I'll be very happy too." Seeing that He Yitong was silent, Yu Jinxiao added.

In the quiet big room, Yu Jinxiao's seemingly calm words, like a stone, caused ripples in He Yitong's heart.

"Let it be." He Yitong blushed and stared at the ground, "There will be such a day."

There will be such a day!
Doesn't this mean that she is willing to give him a chance to open up new possibilities?
After Yu Jinxiao read the message in the words, he sat upright involuntarily, as if he was a little awkward to speak.

The mood now is a bit...deja vu?
Aw, it was the same feeling during their ambiguous period back then.

Yu Jinxiao seemed to have returned to the past, re-entering the track of their ambiguous period, experiencing the mood of the year.

This kind of atmosphere of revival of old feelings, but not so violent and hot, has a wonderful feeling that people are eager to move and worry about gains and losses.

He Yitong is willing to come back, but their current relationship is not so simple to deal with, if they suddenly remarry and move back, it will cause a mess of public opinion.

He is no longer the violent Yu Jinxiao he used to be, he is already able to consider and think about problems from the perspective of others.

He wanted to give He Yitong, and even everyone, a process to make everything logical and take it for granted, and let her return to Yu's house.

Why not chase her a second time?

Yu Jinxiao is willing to spend all his energy and time on her.

"I...I'll go get some water to drink." He Yitong's cheeks were flushed, and he searched the living room several times but didn't see the servant, so he could only get up by himself.

But as soon as she got up, her feet felt a little numb, probably because she had sat on the carpet for too long just now.

Yu Jinxiao's eyes kept falling on her body, and at the moment her body swayed, he got up and half hugged her precarious body.

Even though the room was very large, He Yitong still felt the temperature of the surrounding air rise in an instant, making it even difficult to breathe.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but He Yitong even felt that he could feel the temperature of his body through his clothes.

The eyes seem to be catching each other's sight. The longer they stare at each other, the more intense the flames burning in the dark eyes.

"Ahhhhhhh!" The sleeping cub sneezed suddenly, muttering, "Eat, Yuanyuan wants to eat~~~~"

The voice of the little milk was like mint water, extinguishing the wonderful temperature between He Yitong and Yu Jinxiao.

The two panicked and kept their distance, each finding their own things to cover up the chaos in their hearts.

Yu Jinxiao lifted the quilt sideways, pretending to cover Yu Yuanyuan with a blanket, and accidentally put it on her mouth.

Sleeping drowsily, the little cub groaned twice, thinking it was the delicious food in his dream, he opened his mouth and bit the blanket and started babbling.

(End of this chapter)

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