The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1324 I'm about to be frustrated

When the video was filmed just now, Yu Jinxiao didn't intervene and gave this small "task" to the three children.

He was very curious about what effects these three little devils could achieve.

Unexpectedly, Yu Mingxi would notice this small detail, and let Xiao Zai Zai complete the "task" so naturally.

Yu Jinxiao couldn't help thinking carefully about the three children in the family.

One was kidnapped by a kidnapper, and he was able to trick the kidnapper into buying snacks, meals and toys.

After one was kidnapped, he saw shooting, explosions, and drag racing, and he didn't feel scared but excited.

There is also the oldest child, whose observation skills are not ordinary and meticulous, and whose IQ is probably the highest among the three children.

The three children of his Yu family, all three... are extraordinary.

Yu Yingze checked the video several times before posting it on Weibo with confidence.

His trumpet has become Yu Yuanyuan's official account, and he will share videos and photos of Xiao Zai Zai from time to time, so it is perfect for him to post this video.

Moreover, the incident is still in the investigation stage, Yu Jinxiao does not want too much attention to affect the investigation, and he does not want Yu Yuanyuan to be disturbed.

"Yeah~~Yuanyuan fat hasn't called elder brother Shen Ji yet." Yu Yuanyuan suddenly thought of something, raised her paw to dial the phone, the phone watch chirped, and suddenly the power went out.

Sure enough, some people suspected that this video was an old video, thinking that it was a smoke bomb released by the Yu family. In fact, Yuanyuan had already been kidnapped.

Immediately, the number of people who believed that Yuanyuan was fine increased enormously.

"Use my mobile phone to call?" Yu Mingxi immediately handed over the mobile phone before Xiao Qiuqiu got frustrated.

Well, round and fluffy, it feels amazing!
Yu Jinxiao's words instantly dispelled Yu Yingze's thoughts.

Going to find Shen Ji... means that this is a gathering among children, and it is definitely not good for him to go with an adult.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zai Zai didn't pick it up, but timidly raised his head to look at Yu Jinxiao: "Baba, Yuanyuan, can you go and play with brother Shen Ji... play... play for a long time~"

Unexpectedly, less than a minute after the video was released, Yu Yingze's trumpet data immediately exploded, and he climbed up the trending searches.

The air around was silent for a while, and according to Yu Yuanyuan's temper, she was about to turn into a ball of frustration.

No one will know in advance that they will be kidnapped, so as to cheat.

"With her brain, aren't you afraid that she'll say the wrong thing during the live broadcast?" Yu Jinxiao glanced at the little boy who was scurrying around, and couldn't help but pat that head with his hand.

Xiao Zai Zai, who rarely asks, boldly applied to Yu Jinxiao today.

But soon some "magnifying glass" sisters saw the date on the table and brought up this key information.

"Would it be better to broadcast it live?" Yu Yingze was a little uncertain.

But if she is allowed to go alone... Yu Jinxiao is not at ease!

Yuanyuan is still too young, some words can be said, some words cannot be said, live broadcasts are prone to problems.

Even if you let Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze follow, you don't feel at ease!

"Baba, can you do it~~ I haven't seen brother Shen Ji since Yuanyuan came here~ I don't know if he is injured~ Is he scared~" Xiao Zai Zai moved to his leg, clawing The trouser legs began to dangle.

"Hiss..." When Yu Jinxiao was thinking, he felt that his trouser legs were in danger of being torn.

Staring carefully at those little eyes full of expectation for a moment, Yu Jinxiao was defeated by her gaze.

"I'll send someone to take you there. You can only play at Shen Ji's house, and you are not allowed to go to other places. The driver will wait for you outside. Can you do it?"

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