The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1325 I will take good care of Yuanyuan

Chapter 1325 I will take good care of Yuanyuan

As soon as Xiao Zai Zai heard it, he immediately jumped up on the spot: "Yes, yes, Yuanyuan will not go to other places!"

Although Xiao Zai Zai tried his best to reassure him, Yu Jinxiao was still not at ease.

However, Yi Yuzhang, the mastermind behind the scenes, has been brought under control, and the biggest danger has been eliminated. It is rare for this little boy to make a request, and Yu Jinxiao doesn't want to disappoint her.

She can't be locked at home forever, and going out for a walk once in a while is also a way to relax.

"I'll call Shen Ji first to make sure," Yu Jinxiao said yes, just to remind Shen Ji to keep an eye on this restless little boy, "Make sure he's at home."

After saying that, Yu Jinxiao winked in Yu Mingxi's direction, the eldest son understood in seconds, and immediately took Yuanyuan upstairs to pack the small bag she was going out with.

Shen Ji saw that it was Yu Jinxiao calling, and he got through quickly.

He thought it was something serious.

After all, Mr. Yu usually does not call when he has nothing to do, and every time he calls, it is something not very good. When Shen Ji sees the name of the caller, his heart skips a beat, and he becomes nervous unconsciously.

He was afraid to hear what happened to Yuanyuan again.

Yu Mingxi took her by the hand and sent her to the gate of the courtyard. He felt relieved when he saw her get into the car with his own eyes.

Shen Ji's almost rejoicing tone made Yu Jinxiao empathize with himself so much that he wanted to laugh, and even his voice became much gentler.

Just now, while Xiao Zai Zai was changing clothes and packing her bag, Yu Mingxi had already charged her phone and watch.

I don't know why, but now whenever he sees Xiao Zai Zai leave his sight, he has a bad premonition, probably the sequelae of the kidnapping incident.

Yu Jinxiao cleared his throat on the other end of the phone, and then said, "Is it convenient for you now? Yuanyuan... wants to come and play with you."

Shen Ji didn't expect this answer.

Yu Jinxiao also stood at the gate of the courtyard, watching Yu Yuanyuan set off quietly with his gaze.

"Yuanyuan, remember, you can't go to other places alone, don't believe what strangers say, call home immediately if you have something to do." Yu Mingxi stood outside the car window, touching that little head over and over again.

Having him look at Yu Yuanyuan gave Yu Jinxiao some peace of mind.

After the two agreed, Yu Jinxiao immediately called He Shuxuan to pick him up.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then repeated in surprise: "Mr. Yu, what you mean is that this call is just because Yuanyuan wants to come and play with me?"

"Okay~ Brother, don't worry~" Xiao Zai Zai waved his hands happily.

"Well, I will send someone to bring her over, but you remember to watch her and not allow her to run around alone." For some reason, after agreeing with Shen Ji, Yu Jinxiao seemed to feel more at ease than before.

Yu Yuanyuan, who went upstairs to pack her small bag, also specially changed her clothes, saying that she thought this clothes was more beautiful.

"Mr. Yu, don't worry, I will take good care of Yuanyuan."

"Mr. Yu?" Shen Ji's voice was a bit heavy.

Thinking of Yu Zaizai's happy appearance when he set off just now, Yu Jinxiao once again had a strange admiration for that little glutinous rice ball.

The kidnapped party seems to have completely forgotten about the kidnapping, and he... still hasn't recovered from the sequelae of the kidnapping.

Not only Yu Jinxiao is still suffering from the aftermath of the kidnapping, but even He Shuxuan is the same.

On the way to Shen's house, he was tense, always paying attention to the situation in front of and behind the car, fearing that his negligence might miss any unexpected danger.

But fortunately there was no surprise and no danger, when they arrived at the gate of Shen's house, everything went well, Shen Ji had been waiting at the gate of the manor early.

(End of this chapter)

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