The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1326 Whoa, whoa, big room!

Chapter 1326 Whoa, whoa, big room!
This was Yu Yuanyuan's first visit to his house, and Shen Ji even felt a little more uneasy than usual.

The seemingly calm and casual standing pose has many nervous little details.

The approaching car could be seen at a glance at the gate, but Shen Ji kept changing his posture and looked at the end of the road.

Yu Yuanyuan was hypnotized by the shaking rhythm of the car, but when she heard He Shuxuan said that she was coming, she opened her eyes in a daze.

Why does the road outside look empty and not lively at all!
Could it be... Yuanyuan is going to be arrested and sold?

Cub Zai, who was so sleepy, widened his eyes and turned his head like an owl to look around.

Xiao Zaizai, who was so frightened by his brain power, finally saw Shen Ji waiting at the gate through the front window.

The moment I saw him, the anxiety in my little heart disappeared, only excitement remained.

Before the car came to a complete stop, Shen Ji saw the little ball nestled in the back through the front window.

Sitting in the child seat, she was still shaking her claws excitedly, as if she was afraid that Shen Ji would not see her.

As long as Xiao Zai Zai is out of sight, he can't help fidgeting. Now that he is here and he is with Shen Ji again, Yu Jinxiao can relax a little.

The sweetly smiling little face suddenly collapsed, stretched out his claws nervously and scratched Shen Ji's shoulder: "Brother Shen Ji is dead or injured?"

Shen Ji couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and hugged the pounced cub: "Yuanyuan, welcome to my house."

In order to reassure Yu Jinxiao, Shen Ji specially sent this text message.

The content of the text message is very simple: Yuanyuan has arrived, and I will go shopping with her.

"Wow, brother Shen Ji's house is so big!" Yu Yuanyuan turned her head in shock, appreciating this beautiful big manor.

They both know that the other party is very nervous that something will happen to Yuanyuan.

After Shen Ji received Xiao Zai Zai, he carried her to the villa with one hand, took out his mobile phone and sent Yu Jinxiao a text message.

"No," Shen Ji didn't expect that this little brain was still worried about himself, "If you get hurt, you won't have the strength to hug Yuanyuan now, right?"

The first time she came to Shen Ji's house, she thought that everyone lived in the same house, but she didn't expect that Shen Ji's brother's house was so big!
Shen Juoya likes to be quiet, so he built a manor alone in the suburbs. Apart from the servants, only the chirping of birds and insects can be heard around him, and there will be no extra people to disturb him.

He Shuxuan stopped the car and hugged Yu Yuanyuan from the back seat.

"Brother Shen Ji~~Brother Shen Ji~" The sweet little milk voice echoed in the bright sunshine.

After seeing the message, Yu Jinxiao's heart that had been hanging over him finally settled down.

As soon as his little feet touched the ground, he immediately ran towards Shen Ji like a small clockwork robot with a clear goal.

He Shuxuan could not leave according to Yu Jinxiao's order, and had to wait to pick Yu Yuanyuan back.

"Yeah, that's right~~" Xiao Zai Zai, who suddenly realized, blinked and nodded.

I'm afraid that if you let her run wildly, she will be exhausted!
"Wow wow wow, Dafangji!" Xiao Zaizai raised his paw and pointed at the huge villa.

The previous phone call allowed Shen Ji and Yu Jinxiao to reach a tacit mutual understanding.

Shen Ji, who has long been used to being alone, is also very satisfied with such an environment.

He can read and study quietly by himself, and as long as that troublesome dad doesn't bother him, he can stay in his room and study all day long.

As soon as Shen Ji walked into the villa with the cub in his arms, the servants had already greeted Yu Yuanyuan with a smile: "Miss Yuanyuan, hello!"

Yu Yuanyuan looked at the group of strangers in front of her, and shook her head in surprise: "Big... Hello everyone! How do you know Yuanyuan~?"

(End of this chapter)

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