The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1328 Yuanyuan is Greeting You

Chapter 1328 Yuanyuan is Greeting You

In order to maintain balance, the palms of the cubs are close together and raised beside the legs.

The big eyes tried to look up, and the steps were adjusted clumsily, trying to make the book stop on the top of the head so that it would not fall.

Shen Ji couldn't help laughing when he saw it: "Yuanyuan's gameplay is very creative and powerful."

"Hehehe~" Yu Yuanyuan smirked and continued to dangle with the book on her head, trying to maintain her balance.

From time to time, happy laughter sounded in the room, and the joyful atmosphere of rattling seemed to overflow through the crack of the door.

When Shen Juya just arrived home, he heard from the servant that Yu Yuanyuan has come, and now he is playing upstairs with Shen Ji.

Yu Yuanyuan...

Shen Zhuoya frowned, and when he went up to the second floor, he deliberately walked lightly, and walked quietly to Shen Ji's door and stopped.

The door of the room was ajar, and through the thin crack of the door, only the small bookcase beside Shen Ji's bed could be seen.

But happy laughter came out from time to time in the room, and Shen Juiya heard their conversation clearly at the door.

Is this how the book works?
He really doubted the IQ of this little potato.

However, when Shen Zhuoya questioned that little potato's IQ, his son's gentle chuckle came from the room.

Shen Ji is laughing! ! !

He had never seen Shen Ji smile at himself!

Shen Zhuoya lay down on the door frame, clawing at the door firmly with his fingers.

Why does Shen Ji always get so close to that troublesome little ball?
Before, someone almost cut his hand, and almost broke his arm. This time, the bigger thing is that he was kidnapped by the killer!
All of this started because of that little ball.

Just as Shen Juya's thoughts were racing, Shen Ji's gentle low smile sounded again in the room.

This made him can't help counting with his fingers...

During the 5 minutes when Shen Ji and Yu Yuanyuan stayed in the room, the number of times they laughed was much, much, much more than the number of times Shen Ji laughed at him after returning home!

The corners of Shen Zhuoya's mouth twitched, and he squeezed the tip of his nose unwillingly. With the door behind him, his expression became more and more jealous.

Just as he was grinning, the door was suddenly pulled open, and the bright light from the window suddenly shone on his face, making Shen Zhuya unable to open his eyes.

"What are you eavesdropping on quietly at the door?" Shen Ji looked at him expressionlessly, as if the laughter just now was not from him at all.

"Shen Susu!" The little ball in the room rushed over to say hello, "Howl~~"

Shen Zhuoya looked down carefully, but did not answer Yu Yuanyuan's little milk voice.

Well, it is really cute, round and white, it looks like a glutinous rice cake, making people want to grab it and take a bite.

It's just that, when he thought that his son had been injured several times because of her, Shen Zhuoya felt unhappy.

"Why are you here?" Shen Juya's tone was not very good, and he even folded his arms.

"Yuanyuan came to play with brother Shen Ji~" Xiao Zaizai replied croaking without hearing the hostility at all.

Shen Ji frowned immediately, and his voice became colder than before: "Yuanyuan is greeting you."

After the words fell, the atmosphere between the three fell into a damned weirdness.

However, Shen Ji seemed to be sure that Yu Yuanyuan would not be able to read the air, and Shen Juya was the only one who was embarrassed to say this on purpose.

Shen Zhuoya glanced at the pair of beautiful big eyes looking at him, his brows twitched, thinking that he was not ready to forgive this little potato who had caused Shen Ji many troubles.

"Cough." Just when he was hesitating, Shen Ji's voice of clearing his throat already had some kind of special reminder.

About 1 minute later, Shen Juoya was forced to compromise under Shen Ji's gaze: "Yuanyuan, hello."

(End of this chapter)

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