The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1329 A moment engraved in my heart forever

Chapter 1329 A moment etched in my heart forever

"Shen Susu, howl~~"


"You howl~"

"..." Shen Juya suspected that he had entered an infinite loop.

"Could Yuanyuan play alone in the room for a while?" Shen Ji touched the little head beside him, "I'll go downstairs to see if the snacks are ready."

"Okay, okay, Yuanyuan won't go anywhere, just wait for elder brother Shen Ji in Jieli." After saying that, Xiao Qiuqiu obediently walked into the room, sat down on the carpet and began to lie on the ground with her hands books.

Little Claw carefully pointed to the words on the book, chanting words as if she knew them.

Closing the door with his backhand, Shen Ji started to walk towards a corner a little further away, Shen Juya knew it in seconds, and followed closely behind.

The different aura of the front and back, as if Shen Ji is the parent.

"Why do you seem to have a bad attitude towards Yuanyuan?" Shen Ji couldn't hear Shen Juya's emotions.

Shen Zhuoya folded his arms, moved the corners of his mouth, and replied confidently: "This little Douding may be the reincarnation of some unlucky god. Every time you talk about something related to her, it's either an injury or an accident. How can I treat her?" good?"

Unlucky God?
Shen Ji heard these three words so funny that he couldn't get angry.

The most he had heard was that others praised Yuanyuan as a little lucky star, but from Shen Juya's mouth, she was said to be a little unlucky god.

The completely contrasting titles only made Shen Ji feel funny.

What does this mean?Of course, Shen Juya's own thinking has problems!
"Yuanyuan is not a god of bad luck. You are not allowed to say these words in front of her." Shen Ji's tone and expression became cold and stern, as if to intimidate and pressure the bad guys. "She will be unhappy when she hears it."

"I don't care about children, can't I say a few words behind my back?"

The sound of the eloquent adult's voice gradually became smaller, and finally turned into a guilty look in his eyes, quietly scrutinizing Shen Ji's reaction.

"No, I don't allow anyone to speak ill of Yuanyuan."

"Then I'm not a bad word, it's just..." Shen Juya spoke more and more slowly, as if he was thinking about how to keep Shen Ji from getting angry.

Shen Ji raised his eyebrows and glanced at the adult in front of him, the bottom of his eyes became darker like shadows: "Do you really want to be unlucky?"

As soon as the words fell, he slowly made the movement to take off the gloves.

How could Shen Juoya not know what he was going to do, and quickly leaned back: "Hurry up, hurry up, I'm going to the bathroom."

"At least one thing, you are not qualified to call Yuanyuan a little unlucky god." Looking at the background who was about to flee, Shen Ji's words made Shen Juya stop immediately.


"If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be able to call you 'Dad', and I wouldn't really forgive you."

Shen Juya frowned, and the fox asked: "Really?"


"OK." Shen Juya whistled softly, waved his hands and walked away.

But there was clearly a light smile of relief on his face.

That was not Shen Ji's threat, nor his warning, Shen Juya now knew that the son he cared about really "forgave" himself.

The day I had been looking forward to for a long time finally became a moment that will be engraved in my heart forever.

That little potato... seems to have become much more pleasing to the eye.

Yu Yuanyuan, who had no idea what the father and son were discussing, waited for Shen Ji sullenly in the room.

After she stared blankly at the book for more than ten minutes, there was finally movement at the door of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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