The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1330 Kidnapping Sequelae

Chapter 1330 Kidnapping Sequelae

Shen Ji came in with prepared snacks and juice, and when he saw Yuanyuan, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

After eating the snacks, Shen Ji hugged Yu Yuanyuan and went outside to play in the yard.

That bare tree can arouse Yu Yuanyuan's interest, happily running circles around that little black bare tree.

Shen Juya, who was watching secretly upstairs, curled his lips.

If Shen Ji hadn't told him personally, he wouldn't have believed that this little potato was really Yu Jinxiao's biological daughter.

Except for that face which combines all the advantages of Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong, who is this IQ inherited from?
Shen Zhuoya couldn't understand it.

He even felt that even Shen Ji didn't look very smart when he was with Yu Yuanyuan.

In the future, the family's company property will be handed over to the only son!

If Shen Ji becomes at the same level as Little Tudou, then wouldn't their Shen family...

I don't know if Shen Juya's thoughts were too strong, which disturbed Shen Ji who was downstairs.

He caught the gaze staring at him at once, raised his head, and met Shen Jiuya's sneaky gaze above him.

Unexpectedly, his son's intuition was so strong and accurate, Shen Juoya hid in the window in a panic, and carefully revealed one eye——

Good guy!
Shen Ji is still watching!
Forget it, don't make your son angry.

After staring those eyes back, Shen Ji's trouser legs were suddenly pulled: "Brother Shen Ji~~ When the weather gets hotter, what will Jieli do?"

"Yes, there will be a large field of beautiful little flowers, and Yuanyuan must come and see them."

"Okay, okay~~"

The weather was fine today, and the sun happened to be shining. Yu Yuanyuan was having so much fun that she forgot the time, but her phone and watch suddenly rang.

"Yu Yuanyuan, it's time for you to go home for dinner." On the phone, the old father's voice sounded very serious.

Reluctantly, Xiao Zai Zai looked up at Shen Ji who was beside him, and weakly asked the phone watch: "Yuanyuan can...can you gain weight after eating?"

Hmph, when it comes to eating, this little glutinous rice ball will definitely run faster than a rocket.

Now I actually talked to him about adjustments.


If he couldn't see this little dumpling coming back, Yu Jinxiao wouldn't have the appetite to eat.

The stamina of the sequelae of kidnapping is not so great!
Shen Ji was separated by a distance, but he heard the conversation between Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Jinxiao clearly.

He stepped forward and patted Yuanyuan's little head: "Hasn't Yuanyuan played enough?"

Facing Shen Ji, Xiao Zai Zai never concealed his emotions and nodded obediently.

It's such a pleasure to be with brother Shen Ji.

"It's okay, this time we played in this area," Shen Ji patted Xiao Zai Zai's shoulder and gestured for the direction of the yard with his arm, "Let's go there to play next time, okay?"

"Yuanyuan... Can you still come?" Yu Yuanyuan was a little uncertain.

She rarely goes out to play, and in her memory, except for recording programs and going to school, she spends most of her time at home.

Even when he made the request today, Xiao Zai Zai was very cautious, thinking that going out this time was hard-won.

If she leaves so soon, she will be reluctant to go home because she is afraid that she will not have a chance to play again in the future.

Yu Yuanyuan's question was also sent to the phone watch, and Yu Jinxiao heard it clearly.

Ask Shen Ji?
Or...was he actually asking him?
There was no response from Shen Ji on the phone, and this silent signal seemed to be a reminder from Shen Ji——

Yuanyuan was asking for her father's permission in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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