The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1331 The Glittering Invincible Cute Little Angel

Chapter 1331 The Glittering Invincible Cute Little Angel
"Well, next time Shen Ji is free, you can still come to play." Yu Jinxiao cleared his throat, and gave Xiao Zai Zai hope in a gentle and casual tone.

"Really!" On the phone, Yu Yuanyuan's voice was filled with surprise.

"Well, it's time to go home for dinner, everyone is waiting for you."


With her father's consent, Yu Yuanyuan didn't make a fuss, and obediently went out accompanied by Shen Ji.

She saw that the car was still parked where it came from, and the people in the car were still Shuxuan, so she thought of something, walked to the window outside the cab, and raised her feet.

"Brother Shuxuan, have you been waiting for Yuanyuan in Jieli?"

A curious and amazed half head popped out of the car window, and the barely exposed big eyes were shining.

He met Shuxuan's lovely gaze and smiled: "Yes, we must make sure that Miss Yuanyuan can get in the car as soon as she comes out."

He Shuxuan was about to loosen his seat belt and hug Yu Yuanyuan into the car, but Shen Ji politely gestured him not to get out of the car, and carried the cub into the child seat by himself.

After carefully fastening the seat belt, Shen Ji checked it carefully, his focused eyes seemed to be engaged in some research related to the universe.

Looking at the immature side face that has not completely retreated, He Shuxuan couldn't help but think of what happened before.

Shen Jiming is not very old, but he exudes a reliable and steady aura, and sometimes people will be shocked by his sudden overflow of aura.

He and Shuxuan have also met many people, but this is the first time he has seen such a special child.

"Yuanyuan, we have an appointment. Next time I come, I will show you the sea of ​​flowers behind the yard." Shen Ji patted that little head with a warm smile, dragging He Shuxuan's complicated thoughts back to the simple world.

"Okay, okay~ Brother Shen Ji, goodbye~~"

Although he said goodbye, Yu Yuanyuan still reluctantly lay down on the car window, twisted his little head as far as possible, and kept waving his claws towards the outside until he couldn't see Shen Ji's figure.

The car suddenly fell silent.

He Shuxuan is used to driving quietly, there is no music in the car, no conversation, and he is not good at coaxing or chatting with children.

Perhaps the best way for him is to drive seriously.

"Brother Shuxuan~~" A small voice suddenly came from the back seat.

"What's the matter, Miss Yuanyuan?"

"Sorry duck, I kept you waiting~" The small body in the back seat hooked his arms and legs in embarrassment, and his feet were also turned up, "Yuanyuan has been playing for too long~"

He Shuxuan never expected that this little boy would care about such trivial things.

His responsibility is to protect and escort Miss Yuanyuan. These are his duties, and there is no need for anyone's apology and thanks.

But that cute little Qiuqiu actually cares about his mood.

He Shuxuan was a little at a loss, as if he had suddenly received a lot of care, and he stuttered a little: "'s okay, this is my job!"

What a little angel! ! !

Sparkling invincible cute little angel!

Looking in the rearview mirror, the small figure seemed to exude an irresistible cuteness.

"Yuanyuan will pay attention to the time next time!"

"It doesn't matter, Miss Yuanyuan will wait for as long as she wants to play, it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter."

Even if he stood like a stone statue, He Shuxuan would not have a word of "complaint".

As soon as the car drove to the gate of the yard, Xiao Zaizai saw several cars parked at the gate from a distance.

"Huh? Who's here?"

(End of this chapter)

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