The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1332 What If It Becomes a Psychological Shadow

Chapter 1332 What If It Becomes a Psychological Shadow

He Shuxuan recognized it at a glance: "It seems that Master Yu is here."

"Grandpa??" Upon hearing this, Yu Yuanyuan got out of the car and ran into the car.

After she entered the villa, the room was filled with an extremely depressing atmosphere.

Old man Yu was sitting on the sofa, not only he came, but also Yu Jinxiao's elder brother Yu Qingqian and Yu Cangnan came together.

"Grandpa!" The little milk's voice at the gate broke the depression in the room.

"Yuanyuan!" Old Master Yu got up immediately, and had already half knelt down to hug Cub.

"Are you okay?" As soon as he hugged the soft ball, Master Yu's eyes turned red, "I heard that you were tied up, and I frightened Grandpa into a fight... Are you okay, Yuanyuan?"

Shaking his head, Yu Yuanyuan's spiritual head gave old man Yu a lot of comfort: "It's okay~~Yuanyuan is okay~"

As if afraid that grandpa would be worried, Xiao Zai Zai raised his little lotus-shaped arm and tried to make two circles.

The purpose is to show yourself.

His little head was almost dizzy, and he stepped left and right, finally found the direction of grandpa, and regained his footing.

"Did you take Yuanyuan to the hospital for an examination?" Yu Qingqian also frowned with worry.

Looking at Xiao Zai Zai, he thought of his son when he was a child.

If it was his own child who was kidnapped, Yu Qingqian might have a heart attack.

And Yuanyuan is so soft, she must be terrified!

"I've been there, there's no serious problem." Yu Jinxiao said as usual.

He was very surprised that so many people came at the same time.

He thought that after his family found out about this matter, he would just call to find out the situation, and then he would just explain it clearly.

But everyone's reaction was bigger than he thought, and everyone had to confirm it in person before he could rest assured.

Looking at the surrounded cubs, Yu Jinxiao knew in his heart what this arrival meant.

It is the feeling of a family that is forever connected by blood.

"Yuanyuan is still so young, we need to pay attention to her psychological problems, just in case..." Mr. Yu sighed worriedly in the middle of speaking.

That was kidnapping, Yuanyuan was only three years old, she must have been terrified, what if she became a psychological shadow!
Yu Yingze, who was not far away, had obviously been "cared for" by his uncle, second uncle, and grandpa. He stood calmly by the side with a familiar expression.

"Grandpa, Yuanyuan is fine." Yu Yingze said.

"This is a big problem. It can't be taken lightly. Why don't I arrange a psychiatrist, Yingze and Yuanyuan are together..." Mr. Yu touched Yu Yuanyuan's small head with trembling hands, his eyes were full of worry, so thick that he seemed to be worried. It can't be generalized.

Yu Jinxiao and Yu Yingze were both calm and calm, and suddenly glanced at the gate, only to see a bodyguard walking in holding a box.

"Yu Yuanyuan!" He said suddenly, drawing Xiao Zai Zai's curious gaze, "I bought a present for you, go and take a look."

Gift! !
Xiao Zai Zai's eyes lit up instantly, and he clapped his paws and howled happily, running towards the direction Ba Ba was looking at.

The bodyguard knelt down on one knee and placed the brought in box on the ground.

"Thank you, Baba!!!" Yu Yuanyuan's voice was full of anger, so excited that all kinds of small tones came out.

Little Claw skillfully unpacks the box, and inside is a set of dolls, makeup tools, a group of beautiful princesses and so on.

"Wow, it's great!" Yu Yuanyuan didn't know where to start looking, he was too busy, "Wow, it's so beautiful! Wow, thank you Baba!"

Yu Jinxiao stepped forward and smiled helplessly at his father: "Don't worry, Yuanyuan is fine."

(End of this chapter)

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