The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1333 Yuanyuan is Little Treasure

Chapter 1333 Yuanyuan is Little Treasure

Seeing Yu Yuanyuan's full of vitality with his own eyes, old man Yu felt relieved and was willing to sit back on the sofa again.

Yu Cangnan also observed for a long time, then turned his head and asked Yu Jinxiao: "Yuanyuan...isn't she scared? What happened?"

That's a long story.

Yu Jinxiao briefly explained what happened. During the thrilling process, the faces of the two brothers and the old man changed again and again.

After learning about Yu Yuanyuan's life as a kidnapper, Mr. Yu was silent for a long time, and Fox asked, "Could it be that you just..."

"I'm not the second brother, and I don't know how to write scripts." Yu Jinxiao broke the old man's suspicion with one sentence.

That's right, Yu Yuanyuan's appearance really doesn't look like she was frightened.

But think about it carefully, this is incredible!

At such a young age, Xiao Douding and Yu Yingze are no less courageous than adults!

"Yingze, you are very brave!" Old Master Yu beckoned, motioning for him to go over, "Grandpa is proud of you!"

Suddenly, Yu Yingze's eyes were a little sour, and he stretched out his arms to hug Grandpa's shoulders.

"At a young age, I will protect my sister. You must know that when your second uncle was young, in order to snatch your father's toys, he set a trap and attacked him." Old Master Yu laughed loudly as he said that, and the dignified atmosphere became relaxed and happy.

When Yu Cangnan heard this, he quickly waved his hands in embarrassment and denied it: "Dad, what kind of trap is that? I just pulled a rope..."

"What's the difference?" Old Man Yu retorted with a smile.

After the words fell, everyone burst into unanimous laughter.

"By the way, there is one more thing..." Yu Jinxiao's sudden seriousness made all the laughter stop instantly, and he focused his gaze on him, "Yuanyuan is Xiaobao."

"Ah?" Old Man Yu didn't understand, "Are you going to change Yuanyuan's name? I think Yuanyuan sounds nice, Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan, so cute!"

"Yes, I also think 'Yuanyuan' is cute." Yu Cangnan nodded in agreement.

"No, what I mean is that Yuanyuan is actually my biological daughter, Xiaobao who disappeared three years ago."

As soon as the words fell, the whole room was so quiet that only the sound of Yu Yuanyuan unpacking toys remained.

Her rambunctious little milk voice further set off the quietness and terror of these adults.

" mean that Yuanyuan is Xiaobao...the missing Xiaobao...??" Only then did Mr. Yu dare to believe what he said, his whole body softened, and he leaned on the back of the sofa and opened his eyes in disbelief. Big eyes.

"Dad, don't get excited." Seeing his expression, Yu Jinxiao felt a little regretful that he hadn't laid the groundwork in advance, and it was a bit slow to throw out this news suddenly.

Yu Cangnan, who had made many movies and seen all kinds of bloody scripts, was the first to come back to his senses. He frowned, and asked again instinctively: "Yuanyuan is Xiaobao, your biological daughter? Are you Have you done a DNA test?"

"Well, I've already done it, I'm very sure." Yu Jinxiao, who had been relieved, became much calmer.

"My God, this...isn't this too coincidental? How could this be?"

Yu Cangnan asked that, but he had already taken out his mobile phone, as if he was preparing to record some material for writing a story.

After explaining what Yi Yuzhang did back then, Mr. Yu instantly changed from shock to anger.

He slapped the table violently: "It's disgusting! You are obviously helping the Wang family, but he still wants to harm you!"

Cub Zai, who was playing with toys, was startled, turned his head weakly while holding the doll, and looked timidly at the adults.

Old Man Yu immediately apologized and smiled: "Did you scare Yuanyuan? Grandpa's strength is too great, it's fine, don't be afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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