The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1334 I'm at Your Gate

Chapter 1334 I'm at Your Gate

"Grandpa, claws hurt when you slap them~~" Yu Yuanyuan tilted her head and said weakly, "Grandpa, don't get hurt!"

Ouch, it turns out that he cared about his hand, Yuanyuan is such a cute little angel!

Old Man Yu narrowed his eyes, and nodded with a cooperative smile: "Okay, okay, grandpa won't take pictures, Yuanyuan will continue to play."

"However, what happened back then was indeed... too coincidental," Yu Cangnan rubbed his chin, not knowing what he was thinking, "That so-called friend of Wang Cheng's methods are very cunning, and all the evidence submitted by Jin Xiao is in the hands of the police. , in the eyes of ordinary people, it really didn't take much time, as if it was prepared in advance, no wonder Wang Ningqi was misunderstood for so many years."

"What do you mean, your brother is this kind of person?" Old Man Yu raised his palm again, ready to give him a thunderous clap.

Yu Cangnan hastily raised his hands in surrender: "Of course I didn't mean that, I just wanted to say... the public opinion is really terrible, and people who should have suspected the crime turned out to be innocent and have to provide evidence to prove their innocence, which is embarrassing for others. "

"Hey, the tragedy that could have been avoided..." Yu Qingqian couldn't help but sigh.

"But from Wang Ningqi's point of view, the father is gone, the only relative is gone, the company is gone, and it's almost like having nothing. In this case, I learned that the company was bought and taken over by Jin Xiao at a low price. There seems to be nothing wrong with the conspiracy that has been laid out long ago, after all, with Jin Xiao's ability, if such a situation is really laid out, how can it be possible to leave evidence and handles." Yu Cangnan's eyes were serious and focused, and he entered the thinking mode again, completely unaware of the surrounding area. other people's eyes.

When he felt as if there were needles pricking his body, Yu Cangnan recovered his senses and raised his head to look at Old Man Yu who was sitting across from him.

That stare with a cold and stern warning, as if it could penetrate a hole, made Yu Cangnan shudder involuntarily.

"Dad, that's not what I meant! I'm analyzing the character's psychology from the perspective of the character!" Yu Cangnan quickly waved his hands to explain.

"Actually, what the second brother said is correct. There is indeed no evidence to prove that everything has nothing to do with me." Yu Jinxiao seemed to have gotten used to others' doubts and dismissed it for a long time. "But there is absolutely no evidence to prove that it is What I did was just an inference that ordinary people think."

"Fortunately, he has been caught," Yu Cangnan exhaled suddenly, and patted his brother on the shoulder, "Yuanyuan has also returned home, and everything has a happy ending."

"Huh?" Yu Yuanyuan, who was sitting there playing with a toy, suddenly turned her head, "Yuanyuan's ending?"

"Haha, it's not Yuanyuan, it's Consummation!" Yu Cangnan laughed.

It was rare for everyone to get together, Yu Jinxiao had someone prepare a rich dinner and left everyone to eat together.

The Yu family hadn't been this lively for a long time, and even Yu Yuanyuan ate an extra bowl of rice.

It's just that Yu Cangnan was using his mobile phone while eating, and seemed to be replying messages non-stop.

Yu Jinxiao had noticed this small detail a long time ago, and sure enough, he received a call from Xie Xin immediately after everyone left.

"Mr. Yu, how is Yuanyuan doing recently?" Xie Xin's voice sounded tired, as if he was worried that something might go wrong with the filming plan.

"Well, it's good, what's the matter?"

"Oh, can I talk to you about the recording of the next two issues?"

"...Okay, find some free time."

"Excuse me, are you free now?" Xie Xin asked cautiously.

Yu Jinxiao: "? Now? Yes, but Yu Yuanyuan goes to bed early."

"It's okay, I'm at the gate of your house." Xie Xinxing's excited voice came from the phone.

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

No wonder Yu Cangnan kept poking at his phone during the meal, so he "sold" the news to Xie Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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