The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1335 Best best friend

Chapter 1335 Best best friend
With such a big incident happening in the Yu family, how could Xie Xin ask others about the recording.

It happened that Yu Cangnan was coming today, so Xie Xin could only ask him to confirm the atmosphere of Yu's family.

If the situation is not good, he still has a backup plan and adjusts the shooting schedule.

However, after Yu Cangnan personally visited Yu's house to inquire, he felt that the situation of Yuanyuan and Yu's house was normal, there was no low pressure, and even dinner was very lively, neither children nor adults were affected by the kidnapping incident.

With Yu Cangnan's words, Xie Xin dared to visit him personally.

After hanging up the phone, the doorbell in the courtyard rang within 10 seconds.

When Yu Yuanyuan heard the doorbell, she knew that there were guests coming, and the little cub who liked to join in the fun ran to the stairs to look around with the little lion in her arms.

"Who is it~" Xiao Zai Zai tilted his head and watched steadily.

"It's Uncle Xie."

Xie Xin raised his head and saw the little cub who had just been kidnapped, he couldn't help feeling distressed: "Yuanyuan! Hello!"

"Wow, it's Uncle Xie~" Accompanied by a cheerful little voice, Yu Zaizai came down from upstairs holding the little lion.

The pace of walking became faster and faster. From a distance, it seemed that someone had pushed a small inflatable ball onto the stairs.

From the moment he saw Yu Yuanyuan, Xie Xin's eyes have been sizing up, observing, and analyzing.

Of course he would be very happy if the show started shooting normally.

But if Yuanyuan's situation is really not good enough, he doesn't want to embarrass a child.

Having been together for so long, he also loves Yuanyuan and is worried about her situation. The program is not absolutely important, the safety and physical and mental health of the children come first.

But fortunately, Yu Yuanyuan looks the same as before, happy and full of spirit, and the appearance of holding the little lion on the stage, is still the happy little ball from before.

"Yuanyuan just hasn't slept yet. You still have an hour and a half. If you have anything to say, let's talk now." Yu Jinxiao hugged Yu Yuanyuan to the sofa, acquiescing that she joined the discussion "meeting".

"It's like this. There are only two episodes left in the show. I believe that Mr. Yu has seen the recording plan before." Xie Xin just finished speaking, and his eyes met Yu Jinxiao's. He clearly saw "what?" from those eyes. One word, "Mr. Yu, don't you remember the later shooting plan?"

With so many things happening recently, how could Yu Jinxiao still remember the filming content he watched a long time ago!

"In the next issue, we plan to shoot a special scene for children's friends." Xie Xin explained.

"What is the special session for friends?" Xiao Zaizai hugged Xiao Shiji and sat obediently on the sofa, his legs could only be stretched out, and they couldn't hang out of the sofa.

Xie Xin smiled and touched that little head: "Does Yuanyuan have any good friends?"

"Yes, yes, there are many, many good friends!"

"For the recording of the next episode, Yuanyuan needs to invite one of her best friends to record the program with him."

"Best...friend." Yu Yuanyuan murmured, repeating Xie Xin's words.

When Yu Jinxiao heard this, he replied subconsciously: "I'm afraid I have to get the permission of myself and my parents. His parents... um... a bit troublesome."

"Mr. Yu means, do you know who Yuanyuan will invite?" Xie Xin was very surprised.

Among the parents he has contacted, most of them know how many friends the child has and which ones they have a good relationship with, but in the end they can't guess who the child will invite.

But Yu Jinxiao's tone was very firm, as if the person in his heart was the standard answer.

"Yuanyuan wants to invite elder brother Shen Ji!"

"Yuanyuan will definitely invite Shen Ji."

(End of this chapter)

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