The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1336 Amway This Cute Cub To Everyone

Chapter 1336 Amway This Cute Cub To Everyone
Obviously there was no discussion in advance, but the father and daughter said the exact same name.

"Wow, how does Baba know what Yuanyuan is thinking!" Not only Xie Xin was surprised, but Xiao Zaizai was also shocked.

Yu Jinxiao moved the corner of his mouth proudly: "How much can your little head hold? I know what you think!"

"Baba is amazing!"

"Mr. Yu is amazing!"

Xie Xin also learned to agree with Yu Yuanyuan in exactly the same tone.

After complimenting Yu Jinxiao, Xie Xin asked again: "But this Shen Ji kid... isn't the parent easy to get along with?"

"His father is Shen Juya." Yu Jinxiao didn't beat around the bush, and directly threw the answer to Xie Xin.

Shen Juya...

Shen Juya...

After Xie Xin recited the answers on both sides carefully in his heart, his forehead started to sweat.

He and Shen Juya have no friends who can build a relationship, and Shen Juya has never touched anything in the "entertainment circle".

It may be really difficult to suddenly invite his son to record the show.

Xie Xin, who was too happy, was overwhelmed by a new question.

Yu Jinxiao took a sip of coffee calmly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "I have a way."

"What...what can I do!" Xie Xin was so excited that he almost stood up.

For the effect of the show, he would definitely not suggest Yu Yuanyuan to change to a "good friend", otherwise it would not be the effect he wanted.

"Yuanyuan, do you want Shen Ji to accompany you to record?" Yu Jinxiao didn't answer, but asked Xiao Zai Zai a question.

"Think!!" Yu Yuanyuan's answer was as expected.

"Then let Yuanyuan invite Shen Ji first. If Shen Ji agrees, you can find another opportunity to talk with Shen Ji and Shen Juya." Afraid that Xie Xin didn't understand, Yu Jinxiao emphasized again, "Talk together, don't Talk to Shen Zhuoya in private."

Xie Xin didn't understand why, but Yu Jinxiao must have his reasons for saying this.

"Understood, thank you Mr. Yu for your advice."

This trip was not in vain, Xie Xin was still very excited when he left.

The shooting plan that he has been worrying about these days can be said to be completely finalized tonight, as long as the recording is over, he will wait for the day when the broadcast will start!
"Cute Explosion 1+1" put his most expectation and energy into it, and Xie Xin also hoped that everything goes well.

In particular, he has a very strong intuition that after the broadcast, Yuanyuan will definitely set off a wave of popularity.

Xie Xin can't wait to use the show to show everyone this cute little cub.

After seeing off Xie Xin, Yu Jinxiao personally led the little boy upstairs to wash and sleep.

He had already missed her for the first three years, and Yu Jinxiao hoped that he would not miss even a single day in the future.

The hair of the little cub lying under the quilt was spread out like seaweed, and it was much longer than before, and the body protruding under the quilt seemed to have grown taller than when he first arrived.

Did the kid grow up so fast?

During those three years, did he miss a lot?

For some reason, Yu Jinxiao felt a little emotional tonight.

"Puba~~" The little cub who was lying down obediently suddenly said, "Yuanyuan... can I go to see Gao Susu tomorrow?"

As soon as he heard that she was going out, Yu Jinxiao's sequelae of kidnapping started to haunt him again, as if as long as he left home, the outside world would be dangerous.

He wished he could find a rope to tie the little cub around his waist.

However, it is he who needs to overcome the pressure now, it is him, Yu Jinxiao, not Yu Yuanyuan.

The children can let go of their fears and continue to live a happy life before. It makes no sense for him, Yu Jinxiao, to lose to the two children.

"Well, I'll take you there tomorrow."


(End of this chapter)

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