The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1357 Stay and take care of Baba

Chapter 1357 Stay and take care of Baba

Thinking of Yu Yuanyuan's red eyes and tear-filled appearance just now, Gao Zhou felt very distressed.

Miss Yuanyuan is just a happy little ball, with a happy smile on her face every day, Gao Zhou seldom sees her crying in a hurry.

The way he faltered must have startled her.

He has to work hard to recover!

I can no longer scare and cry Miss Yuanyuan!
Yu Yuanyuan chatted with Gao Zhou for a while again, one big and one small, although there is a huge age gap, but the chat was full of enthusiasm, and the "quack quack" laughter of the cubs sounded from time to time in the ward.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't think of going back to Baba's ward until she was a little hungry.

Reluctantly waving his hand, and laying down at the door and saying a few words of advice, Xiao Zai Zai walked out with confidence.

Yu Jinxiao's ward.

The patient on the bed had already fallen asleep exhausted, Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi also lay down on the sofa, He Yitong sat on the edge of the bed dragging his chin and staring at Yu Jinxiao's face in a daze.

After coming to this world of books, He Yitong was used to seeing him in high spirits, and suddenly seeing him lying sickly on the hospital bed... had an indescribably morbid beauty.

Distressed is distressed, but now Daheizi has a special style.

Like a pale and fragile beauty, it suddenly aroused He Yitong's crazy idea of ​​wanting to destroy him.

But this idea just popped up for a while, and she suppressed it desperately.

The eyelashes are so long, no wonder her family's eyelashes are like a small fan, it must be hereditary big sunspots.

No matter from which angle you look at the contours of the facial features, you can't find any flaws, they are perfect to the extreme.

"Puba~Yuanyuanfat is here~~" Just as He Yitong's thoughts were flying wildly, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, which made her almost fall off the chair in fright.

"Zaizai... back... back!"

Da Lala observed Yu Jinxiao from different angles for a long time, and then diverted his thoughts to think about a lot of strange things, when he was suddenly interrupted, He Yitong's behavior couldn't help being a little flustered.


The "beauty" lying quietly on the bed slowly opened his eyes: "How is Uncle Gao?"

"It's okay! Yuanyuan has cast a spell on Uncle Gao, and Uncle Gao will definitely recover!" Xiao Zai Zai raised his paw and squeezed it, and the little milk sounded very proud.

After listening to Xiao Zai Zai's report, Yu Jinxiao closed his eyes in relief.

A few seconds later, as if thinking of something, he opened his eyes and looked at He Yitong who was sitting by the bed: "I won't die, you don't have to watch so closely."

He Yitong: "!!!"

Didn't he keep his eyes closed just now?How did he know she was staring at him?

Could it be that this guy has eyes elsewhere! !
He Yitong hurriedly got up to find someone to arrange some food. After the family accompanied Yu Jinxiao to eat in the hospital, the children should go home to rest.

The three children can't do much in the hospital, and the environment smelling of disinfectant is not very good for the children.

"Let's go, let's go home and come see Dad tomorrow!" Yu Jinxiao fell down, and He Yitong had to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of the children.

Yu Yingze originally wanted to stay, but Yu Mingxi quietly tugged at his sleeves, signaling him not to worry his father with his eyes.

The two little boys followed their mother out, and as they walked, they suddenly realized that there was a small figure missing beside them.

Looking back, Yu Yuanyuan was still standing by the bed, waving goodbye to them.

He Yitong also sensed something was wrong, stopped and said: "Yuanyuan, let's go, go home."

"Yuanyuan wants to stay and take care of Baba!" Yu Yuanyuan raised her fist and said, "Yuanyuan promised that Gao Susu will take care of Baba!"

(End of this chapter)

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