The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1358 Unparalleled peace of mind

Chapter 1358 Unparalleled peace of mind

Yu Jinxiao didn't believe that this was a request made by Gao Zhou, it must be the content of this little glutinous rice ball's own imagination.

"Yuanyuan, Dad needs to rest, you go home with us, don't let Dad worry, okay?" Yu Mingxi stepped forward and touched that little head.

In the past, Xiao Zai Zai would definitely listen to his brother and compromise obediently.

But now she is no ordinary ball!

She is the powerful little ball who saved her father!
Dad needs her care! (firmly believe)

"Yuanyuan wants to stay and take care of Baba," the little cub took two steps back, Yuanyuan grabbed the edge of the bed, as if afraid of being dragged away, "Yuanyuan can! Really can! Yuanyuan... ...very...very powerful!"

Yu Jinxiao's gaze stayed on Xiaoyuan's hand.

It obviously looks like a bean paste bun that reveals its filling when you poke it, but it has a lovely stubbornness and persistence.

"But, this is a hospital, aren't you afraid that you might be arrested for an injection?" Yu Jinxiao said.

Xiao Zaizai thought about it carefully, then stammered: "Yuanyuan...Yuanyuan needs an injection to stay and take care of Baba?"

"Yeah." Yu Jinxiao threatened her seriously.

There was an exaggerated expression of fear on that little face, and after a few seconds, he pursed his mouth stubbornly: "Then...then do it! Yuanyuan is not afraid of leaking air! Humph!"

"Yuanyuan, there are no toys here, and there are no cakes and biscuits made by Aunt Chen!" Yu Yingze also stepped forward to join the ranks of persuasion.

Although he wanted to stay, he also knew that he was just a child, and staying wouldn't help much, so he might as well let an adult take care of his father.

Not to mention Yu Yuanyuan who is younger than him...

Isn't it just adding to the chaos by leaving her here?
"Yuanyuan is not afraid, Yuanyuan wants to stay with Baba!" Xiao Zaizai's claws were still gripping the edge of the bed, and because of too much force, his little fingers were already puffed up.

Yu Jinxiao's heart softened when he saw that little claw that was exerting force.

"You guys go back first, let Yuanyuan stay temporarily."

When the father spoke, other people did not dare to object. Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze could only tell the little cub to be good and not to run around. No matter what the little head heard, the little head desperately nodded in agreement.

When everyone else left, only the father and daughter were left in the ward.

The bustling atmosphere suddenly quieted down, with big eyes watching small eyes.

The bodyguards were all outside the ward, and the two figures in the room formed an amusing confrontation.

"Baba! Do you want some water? Yuanyuan will pour it for you!" Xiao Zai Zai ran to the bed and asked like his mother and brother took care of his father just now.

Yu Jinxiao didn't move, his eyes were secretly looking at the little glutinous rice balls: "No need."

"Then what do you want to eat, Baba? Yuanyuan will buy it for you!"

what? !

She went to buy it!
As soon as her little glutinous rice balls went out, she might not be able to find her way back!

"No..." Yu Jinxiao turned up the volume a little nervously, and suddenly realized that Xiaotangyuan should not be frightened, and immediately put down a soft tone, "No need, you stay here with me."

"Okay, okay~~" Xiao Zai Zai climbed up the chair, knelt on the chair and grabbed Yu Jinxiao's hand, "Yuanyuan is accompanying Baba in Jieli~~"

It was obviously just a soft little ball, but when she suddenly grabbed her hand, the warm little hand gave him a kind of peace of mind that no one can match.

Yu Jinxiao couldn't help thinking that this little glutinous rice ball always wanted to "protect" him.

This time, she really saved her and did what she had always wanted to do!

If there is no Yu Yuanyuan, he is probably just a cold corpse under the water.

(End of this chapter)

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